Mecklenburg Co. NC - Will of John Worsham, 1806

Submitted by Larry Washam <> 

                       John Worsham will, 24 Jun 1806
     Mecklenburg Co., NC Wills 1804-1837, Bk G, p 44: John Worsham will.
     "Being sick and weak in body, but in perfect mind and memory. I
     give to my well beloved wife, Dicey, the plantation wharon I now
     live with two houses, her choice, two cows and calves, two sows,
     and pigs, two feather beds and furniture with her choice of two
     plows and two pair of gears. These things I give her during her
     life then to be sold and equally divided between my son Hines my
     daughter Whittey my son Miles my son William my son James my
     daughter Nancy my daughter Dicey lastly I constitute and apoint
     John Harris Esqr & Thomas Barnett Executors of this my last will
     and testament and do Revoke and Disannul all former wills by me
     made to be void and this only to be my last will and testament in
     witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal day and year
     above written. Wit: Thomas Cashon, Burwell Cashon & Thomas Barnett.
     24 Jun 1806
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