Abstract of NC Will of John WALKER
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by:  Dianna Anderson <DFaeAnder@AOL.COM>

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Film 0019302 Bk E p 185

Will of John WALKER of Mecklenburg Co., NC   20 Jun 1833

My son John, all the land I have heretofor
conveyed to him, one negro boy, Trudy, smith tools.
My dau. Margaret H. Hunter, one negro girl named
Maria & all her children.
My dau Agnes, one negro girl named Almira
& all her children & bed & furniture, 2 cows & $80 in cash.
My dau. Caroline, one negro boy named Daniel and
another boy named Grandson? And one bay horse,
her saddle & two beds and furniture, one spinning wheel
and one cow.
My dau. Rosanna Amelia Hunter, one negro girl named
Eudy & one boy named Washington.
My dau. Mary $3.00....
My son William..
My beloved wife, Rosanna.
My grandson, John Hunter
Witness: H.B. Williams, Wm Black    Signed: John Walker