Will of James Sloan, July 13, 1792

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In the name of God Amen.  I James Sloan of Meckenburg County & State of
North Carolina being sick and weak in body but of perfect mind and
memory, thanks be to God for it but calling to mind that it is
appointed for all men once to die do make this my last will and
testament as follows.

Imprimus        First of all I order all my just debts to be paid.

2ndly.  I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Jean her choice of one
of all my horse creatures and her saddle and two __ and all of my
household furniture.

3rdly.  I give and bequeath unto my son Joseph the plantation that I
now live on to him and his heirs at or after the marriage or death of
my wife.

4thly.  I give and bequeath unto my daughters Mary and Rachel each of
them a __.

5thly.  The remainder of my property to be valued by three free holders
chosen by my executor and after the __ property has been valued then my
executors to give the said property to each of my children __ the
amount of two pounds except my son Joseph that remains of the valuation
I leave at the disposal of my beloved wife.

Lastly.  I do ordain and appoint my beloved wife Jean and my son John
Sloan to be the lone executors of this my last will and testament and
to see that it be performed according to the true intent and meaning
thereof and I do hereby revoke & disannul all other former wills and
testaments heretofore by me made.  I do publish this & no other to be
my Last Will and Testament.  This thirtieth day of July 1792.

Signed sealed and acknowledged by
        /mark/ James Sloan

In presence of Wm. Pickens, __ Wilson

Transcribed from copy of original by Tony Abruscato.  Submitted by Tony
& Sue Abruscato, sueskay@pacbell.net