Mecklenburg COUNTY, NC - WILLS - James Sawyer Sr., 28 Apr 1787
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Will of James Sawyer Sr.
Mecklenburg Co, NC Will Book F pp 166, 167

(Page 166) In the Name of God Amen   I James Sawyer of the County of Mlinburg 
and State of North Carolina being weke in body but of perfect mind and memory 
thanks be to God therefore calling to mind that it is Appointed for all men 
Once to die do make and Ordain this my Last Will and Testament that is to say 
principally and first of All I give my Soul into the Hand of Almighty God who 
Gave it and my Body I recomend to the Dust to be Buried in a Christian and 
Decent Like manner at the Discretion on my Executors herein After mentioned 
and as touching such Worldly Estate as it has been pleasing to God to Bless me 
with in this Life I Give and Dispose of the same in the following manner and 
form viz
First -I Give and Bequeath unto my Beloved Son David Sawyer three hundred and 
fifty Acres of Land on or near Duck River in Green County being part of a 
Tract of Land I bought from Amos Balch to him his heirs and Assigns forever 
and Also my Large Bible & Silver Shoe Buckels and my Brownbess
2ndly I Give and Bequeath unto my Beloved Son Benjamin Sawyer three Hundred 
and twentyfive Acres of Land part of the above mentioned tract of Land to him 
his heirs and Assigns forever and also my Silver Knee buckles and Sleeve 
buttons and my other Cloes
3rdly I Give and Bequeath unto my Beloved Son James Sawyer three Hundred and 
twentyfive Acres of Land ( being the remainder of the Aforesaid tract of Land 
purchased of Amos Balch) to him his Heirs and assigns forever ( the whole of 
sd tract Containing One Thousand Acres which is to be devided as nearly in 
Quality as can be and Each to have his Quantiy as Afore mentioned and also my 
Silver Stock Buckel and my Sleeve buttons marked JS and the pocket bible in 
which his name is wrote and my Chest
4thly I Give and Bequeath unto my Beloved Daughter Mary Sawyer all my first 
wifes Copper and my pocket Bible in which her name is wrote and also one plush 
Saddle and a bridle and her Mothers Shoe buckles together with the Sum of One 
Hundred pounds and fifty pounds Lawfull Money of North Carolina to be paid out 
of my personal Estate to Gether with the interest thereof
5thly I Give and bequeath unto my said three Sons the Plantation whereon I 
have Lived and to be Devided as Nearly as Possible in Value Each having Equal 
Share of the Several Benefits of Land Water Meadow Land and timber as can 
Conveniently be in his part without hurt to the Other viz to David one Hundred 
and to Benjamin One Hundred and to James one Hundred and the remaining One 
Hundred and Sixty Acres to be Devided by men Appointed and under the 
Inspection of my Executors to make Each Sons Share as near of Value as may be.  
Each to Enjoy his part at Age or Marriage and on any one of the Persons being 
of Age or at there Marriage the sd Devidend to be Devided by Lot for first and 
Second Choice the Oldest having the first Draw and so in Choice
6thly It is my Will and Desier that the above sd Land be rented Out to Some 
Carefull Householder for the use and benefit of the sd Legatees and DisCharges 
of the Publick Demand on the same until the sd Legatee is Intitled to have 
possession and be Answerable for the Same
(Page 167) 7thly I Will and Allow that all my Personal Estate be sold (Such as 
is not Already Bequeathed) and that all my just Debts and funeral Charges be 
punctually paid out of the Same all Books not already Gifted to be Equaly 
Devided Amongst the Aforesd Legatees as near in Value as may be by my 
Executors and that all & every of the remaining part of my Personal Estate be 
Devided as follows viz to my Sons each three parts for my Daughter two and 
that if any of sd Legatees should Die before they are of Age or Marriage their 
part of my Estate Either Real or personal I Will and Give to Each Legatee an 
Equal Shear
8thly And Lastly I do hereby Nominate Constitute and Appoint my trusty and 
Well Beloved friends John Garrison and John Beaty to be my Executors of this 
my last Will and Testament and do here by Utterly Disallow Revoke and Disannul 
and Every Other and former Wills Testaments and Executors by me Named Willed 
or Appointed here to fore Ratifying and Confirming this and no Other to be my 
Last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I the Sd James Sawyer hath hereunto 
my hand and Seal this 28th day of April in the Year of our Lord One Thousand 
Seven hundred and Eighty Seven 
					Jas Sawyer

Signd sealed published pronounced and Declared by the Sd James Sawyer as his 
last Will and Testament in presence of us
David Haynes jurat
Wm Swann
Barthow Haynes