Mecklenburg Co. NC - Estate of William Sample - 1770 ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Donna Johnson ==================================================================== Transcript from Xerographic Copy of the Original Papers Kept in the North Carolina State Archives Mecklenburg County Original Estates N.C. 1762-1957 C.R. 065-508-224 William Sample 1770 transcribed by Donna Johnson, 25 May 1999 - - - - - - i t e m - - - - - - Received from Hez. Alexander Exe^tr of the Estate of William Sample Dec^d in Discount by vouchers produced to Him for the payment of Sundry Debts Due from the Said estate to the amount of Nineteen pounds five Shillings and Six pence witness my hand this 13 day of october 1773 four Shillings and Sixpence of which Sum there appears to be no voucher for Wm Smith - - - - - - i t e m - - - - - - Rec^d of William Sempl of the (symbol) Clerk of County tax for the Year 1768 James Wyly 15-2 & ticket - - - - - - i t e m - - - - - - Received from Hez. Alexander Executor of William Sample Deceased for Rum and wine at the Deceased Burial the Sum of one pound two Shillings and eight pence p^r me John Allen - - - - - - i t e m - - - - - - Receiv^d from Hez. Alexander the Sum of one pound eight Shillings being a Debt due from the estate of W^m Sample Deceas^d witness my hand this 17 Day of Ja^ry 1771 Jas Scott - - - - - - i t e m - - - - - - Received from Hez. Alexander Executor of W^m Sample Deceased the Sum of eight pounds twelve ^ shillings adjudged me by the Court to fulfill my indenture p^r me. James Yendel - - - - - - i t e m - - - - - - Received of from Hez. Alexander of my fathers Estate the Sum of fifty pound being my part of the Estate Exclusive of the Dividend of the said estate witness my hand (the - scratched out) and seal this 2 (word scratched out) Jan^ry 1771 William Sam^ple {seal} William Alexander - - - - - - i t e m - - - - - - (written on the opposite side of the above document) Jan^ry 17 1771 paid to Matthew McClure 0:12:0 Jan^ry 17 1771 paid to James Kenedy the Sum of 0:5:4 Jan^ry 23 1771 paid to Garret Wilson the Sum of (end of page) - - - - - - i t e m - - - - - - febuarey 10th 1769 the Estate of William Sample Deceased ___ to Arthur Garison S d to Corn twenty Bushalls at 2 ^S and 4 p ^pence 2-6-8 to Licor half gallon 0-7-0 to making one harow 0-7-0 2 - 15 - 8 August the 3^d 1770 then Came Arthur Garison and proved the above accompt as the Law Directs Before Abrm Alexander - - - - - - i t e m - - - - - - 1770 Will^m Sampell ^__ to Moses Alexander ^__ to Six ^lb of Shugar at 2/6 pnce to 0.15.0 Recd the above amt of Mr Heza^h Alexander November 13 1770 Moses Alexander Sworn Before me Hez. Alexander - - - - - - i t e m - - - - - - Received from Hez. Alexander as Executor of the estate of William Sample Deceased the Sum of four Shillings proc^n money witness my hand this first day of Nov^br 1772 James Parks - - - - - - i t e m - - - - - - Received from Hez. Alexander Exec^r of William Sample Deceas^d the Sum of Five pound adjudged him by court for Services done this 16 day of July 1777 p^r me William Semple - - - - - - i t e m - - - - - - William Sample dec^d Deb^tor to Garret Wilson August 1st 1769 to weaving 34 y^ds of (p?) C at 7^d p^r yard 0^-19^s-10^d September 8th to weaving 16 y^ds Course Cloth 6^d p^r y^rd 0^-8^s-0 1^=7^s=10^d North Carolina } Meclinburg County } July 19th 1770 } This day came Garret Wilson before Me one of his Majestys Justices of the Peace for S^d County and proved the above accompt as the Law directs Before Abr^m Alexander - - - - - - i t e m - - - - - - 764 William Sample to John Milleken _^r To a Quarter of years Scooling of a Child 0..5..0 York County __ Before me the Subscriber one of his Majestys of the peace for said County ^came John Milleken & on his Solemn Oath sayeth the above Account of five Shillings is Just & true & that he hath Not Rec^d it or any part thereof Satisfaction or Surety for the Same Sworen Before me this 30th Day of March 1768 Sam^l (Edie?) (word 'Justices' is left out) (York Co Pa?) (York Co Se?) - - - - - - i t e m - - - - - - Receive^d from Hez. Alexander the Sum of twelve Shillings being Due from the estate of W^m Sample Deceas^d on the account of his mare the Season to my Stallion witness my hand this 17 day of Jan^ry 17__ (smeared) ____ (smeared) McClure - - - - - - i t e m - - - - - - January the twenty six 1769 William Semple to thre gallons of liquor 0 12 0 To two butter 6 egs 0 5 0 William Semple Disseast Credit to (word begun and marked through) To two Days reeping 0 5 0 Balance Due 0 - 12 - 0 Jan^ry 20 1771 then Came Robert Eliot and proved the above account before me Hez. Alexander - - - - - - i t e m - - - - - - The Estate of Will^m Sample __ to James Kenedy october 16 1769 for __ous Making 0-5-4 Oct^br 17th 1770 This day Came James Kenedy and proved the above acount acording to Law p^r me (signature very faint) (written upside-down at bottom) 4=12=3 4=2=4 1 9 8 - - - - - - i t e m - - - - - - This day Came James Scott Before Me one his Majesties for North Carolina and for Mecklenburgh County and Made oath Acording to Law that W^m Sample Senior Dessed is Justly indebted to Said Scott the Sum of Eight Shillings Prock Sworn Before Me Moses Alexander This 16 of Jan^ry 1771 - - - - - - i t e m - - - - - - William Sample to Abraham Alexander D__ febry 2 1769 to 2 1/2 bushels of wheat 0 - 7 - 6 to 1 Ditto of malt 0 - 3 - 0 to 1 Gallon whiskey 0 - 4 - 0 march 21 to 3 bushels malt 0 - 4 - 0 to 2 Gallons whiskey 0 - 8 - 0 august 17 to 8 Gallons Ditto 1 - 12 - 0 to 6 Gallons Ditto 1 - 4 - 0 4 - 7 - 6 this Day Came the above named abraham alexander ^and proved the above account according to Law witness my hand this 22 Day of Nov^br 1770 Hez. Alexander Received the Contents of the above account from Hez. Alexander this 26 day of Nov^br 1770 Abr^m alexander - - - - - - i t e m - - - - - - an Inventory of the Estate of William Sample Deceased as found by the Subscriber viz. a Receipt Given by william Smith of Cumberland County in pennsylvania for Bonds and notes Left in his hands to the amount of 405:10:6 and Credits Given on the back of Said Receipt to the amount of 74:9:5 one horse two mares and two colts two Cows & 2 Calves two yearlin calves eleven head of hogs two weding hoes one dressing knife mallrings and wedges one plow and takling one mattock one broadaxe one half bushel two tramels six chairs one hackle one Set of harrow _eth one Log Chain old Saddle 27 ^lb of pewter two Iron pots one pair of Steelyards one waggon and hind gears two Small Stacks of oats one old gun ond Sack of flax one Cutting knife and Steel one Cedar tub one Cedar Churn three pales one old Chest two trunks one old feather bed and beding two old bed ticks and some old bed cloaths one fire shovel one set of tea Cups and Saucers one tea pot one flesh fork seven bushels of rice one Spinning wheel one beef tub one Large butter bowl one Delf bowl one earthen pan two earthen crocks one glass bottle and tumbler four tin cups one old frying pan two bedsteads one pewter tankard five trenchers one Side Sole Leather one Small bel Hez. Alexander - - - - - - i t e m - - - - - - An account of the Sales of Goods of the Estate of the Late William Sample Deceased Sh d two hoes --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---- 0: 6: 2 one Drawingknife Clevis & pin --- 0: 4: 4 one mattock mallrings & wedges 0: 15: 6 one Broad ax one tramel --- --- --- 0: 17: 0 one half bushel --- --- --- --- --- ---- 0: 3: 6 three Chairs --- --- --- --- --- --- ---- 0: 9: 8 one plow and Irons --- ---- ---- ---- 1: 6: 2 two Clevises and Swingletrees -- 0: 9: 3 one hackle --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -- 0: 16: 0 one Harrow --- --- --- ---- --- ---- ---- 1: 10: 0 one Log Chain --- --- -- --- --- --- --- 0: 16: 6 one pewter tankard 4 plates --- -- 0: 18: 1 one Iron pot --- --- --- --- ---- --- ---- 1: 5: 8 one pair of Steelyards --- --- --- --- 0: 16: 1 one waggon --- --- --- --- --- --- ---- 18: 0: 0 one Stack of oats --- --- --- --- --- 1: 18: 3 one Stack of flax --- --- --- --- --- -- 0: 10: 0 one Small Stack of oats --- --- --- one Cutting knife and Steel --- -- 0: 13: 9 one Cedar tub --- --- --- --- --- --- -- 0: 7: 10 Eleven head of hogs --- --- --- ---- 4: 5: 0 one Steer --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- 0: 19: 0 one Cow and Calf --- --- --- --- ---- 0: 3: 5 one heipher --- --- --- --- --- --- ---- 1: 11: 6 one Ditto --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---- 1: 13: 6 one Cow and Calf --- --- --- --- ---- 3: 18: 0 one horse --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 6: 10: 0 one mare --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 5: 13: 0 one yearlin Colt --- --- --- --- --- --- 7: 5: 0 one mare and Colt --- --- --- --- --- 20: 0: 0 one Chest --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 0: 7: 6 Seven bushels of Rice --- --- --- -- 0: 16: 4 one bed and beding --- --- --- ---- 6: 0: 0 one Saddle --- --- --- --- --- --- ---- 1: 15: 0 Nine acres of Corn --- --- --- --- --- 7: 0: 0 total -------------------- ------------------ 95 : 2 : 0 (written sideways in margin) Returned by Hez. Alexander Executor - - - - - - i t e m - - - - - - the Amount of the Estate of William Sample Deceased Exclusive of the Bonds to become due in pennsylvania. returned into Court July term 1770 was 95:2:0. The Bonds becoming due in pennsylvania amounted to 331:2:1 then add 22:1:15 the par of Exchange the Sum will be --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 353:3:6 then add to this 95:2:0 returned into Court 95 2 -- the whole Amount of the estate will be 448:5:_ (broken away - probably 6) .................(space)............................269:18:13 .................(space)............................________ ............The Estate of William Sample 178-7-3 Deceased -- To Ballance of Accounts in the hands of the Execut^r } - - - - - - i t e m - - - - - - (written on opposite side of previous document) By amount brought forward 269-18-3 By amount ot two Legacies 100 each 200 -- -- .................(space)............................________ .................(space)............................469-18-3 - - - - - - i t e m - - - - - - Credit by pd Mn Alexander for Stipends 0:14:_ (broken away) by pd Robert Harris for Registring } 0:6:8 two deeds by pd the Clerk for Letters 1:12:8 by pd James Yandel freedom hat :15:0 by pd James Wyly as p^r Receipt No 1 :15:0 by pd John Allen No 00 9:2:8 by pd Abraham Alexander No 2 4:7:6 by pd Moses Alexander No 3 0:15:0 by pd James Scott No 4 1:8:0 by pd Mathew McClure No 5 0:12:0 by pd James Kenedy No 6 :5:4 by pd Garret Wilson No 7 1:7:0 by pd Robert Eliot No 8 0:12:0 by pd John frohok No 9 31:14:_ (broken away) by pd James Yandel No 10 3:8:_(broken away) by pd James Parks No 11 (broken away) by pd (broken away - in fold) No 12 1:5:0 by pd Arthur Garrison No 13 2:15:8 by pd Henry Eustice McCulloh No 14 12:13:10 by pd William Sample Junr No 15 2:2:7 by pd William Smith No 16 Pennsa money 19:5:6 by pd William Smith No 17 Ditto 7:10:0 by pd the esate by the Loss of money Ditto 0:18:0 then add the par of Exchange 1:16:10 by pd William Yandal No 18 1:0:_ (broken away) by pd William Sample No 19 6:0:0 by pd James Yandal No 20 6:___ (broken away) by pd Joseph Sample his Legacy 76:0:_ (broken away) by pd William Sample his Legacy 50:0:_ (broken away) by pd Mary Alexander her Legacy 10:0:_ (broken away) by pd to my Self for 8 bushels oats 0:15:0 by pd to my Self for Settleing of estate in pensya 6:0:_ (broken away) allowed to the Executor by the Court 10:0:_ (broken away) 269:14:3(broken away) By Cash paid Clerk __ Settlement 269:18:(broken away) of Estate - - - - - - i t e m - - - - - - (written on opposite side of previous document) By Amount brought forward the whole of the Estate in the hands of the Executor 448:5:6 To Balance due the Executor 21:12:9 469-18-3 (written sideways on document on a section of the fold) William Sample Deceased Settlement of Estate Vouchers July Sessn 77 - - - - - - i t e m - - - - - - 1769 D^r The Estate of William Sample Dec^d to William Yandell C^r To two Months boarding of James Yandell when at Schooling and of __ Month 1:0:0 This day personally appeared William Yandell before me and made Oath before me (before me crossed through) according to Law that the above accoun is just & true & that he has received no part or parcel of the same. Sworn and subscribed before me this 15th day of July 1777 Eph. Brevard William Yendel July 15 1777 then Received the contents of the above from Hez. Alexander Execr of William Sample Deceased pr me William Yendel - - - - - - i t e m - - - - - - Decem^r 12 1768 William Smith Be plased to pey my Brother John Sample the Remainder of William McCunes Boond wich is two pound and sodoing you will a Blige me and this Shall Be your Discharg William Sample