MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC - WILLS - John Rogers Will - 1800

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Verna Banes

John Rogers Will

  Oct Term, 1802, Registration in Book F, page 137
Original Wills, 1749-1918, CR.065.801.19
In the name of God, Amen.  I JOHN ROGERS of Mecklenburg County 
& state of North Carolina, being at present weak in Body but of sound 
and Disposing mind & memory (Blessed be God)... do make and ordain 
this my last Will & Testament
Viz: Executors  herein after and as touching on worldly estate as 
it hath pleased God to bless in this life.
I give and Dispose this same as follows...
IMPREMIS, I give and bequeath unto my well beloved wife Anna all 
my beds and furniture, household and kitchen furniture, all my 
plantation tools and farming utinsils(sic), my Bay horse, all my stock of 
Cattle and hogs, all my monies in hand, and the outstanding Debts due 
to me to her use & to be at her disposal.
ITEM: I leave unto my grandson John, Son to Hugh McCory, my saddle 
and bridle.  And it is my will that the plantation I now live on 
containing one hundred & fifty acres more or less together with fifty 
acres adjoining the same to be sold by my Executors at publick (sic) 
soon as convenient after my Demise, and the monies arising from the 
Sale of said lands to be equally divided between ten of my Grand 
Viz: Robert, Hugh & James, sons of my son William.  And Margret & 
Elizabeth, daughters to my said son William, and John & Hugh sons to 
my Daughter Jean wife to Hugh McRory & Anna, Hannah and Mary 
Daughters to my said Daughter Jean (Jane?), I say the monies arising 
from the sale of the aforesaid Lands to be equally divided between these 
my ten grandchildren share and share alike, the sons to have their share 
when they are twenty one years of age, and the Daughters when they are 
eighteen years of age, or the day of their marriage.
And I do hereby authorize my executors, or either of them to make good 
and sufficient title or Deed of Conveyance, to the purchaser of said 
Lands as I myself could have done when personally present.
And lastly, I do hereby nominate and appoint my son William and my 
son-in-law Hugh McCory to be the executors of this my last will & 
In witness thereof I hereunto set my hand & affirmed by seal this 10th 
day of December 1800.
.....Witnesses: William Flinn, John McCorkle.
.....Mecklenburg Co, Oct Session 1802.  I hereby certify that the 
foregoing is a true copy of John Rogers last will & testament which was 
taken from the original that proven in Court and filed in my office.  
Isaac Alexander M.
Transcribed by Verna Baker Banes, 120 Elmwood, Huntsville TX 
77340, Dec. 1998 from a Xerographic copy by NC State Archives, Hov 
24, 1998*.
Verna Banes