Warren-Mecklenburg County NcArchives Wills.....Rives, William April 1, 1850
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Beverly Watson http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00029.html#0007196 June 30, 2012, 11:25 am

Source: Original Document Online At Www.familysearch.org
Written: April 1, 1850

Distribution to Estate of William Rives, Mecklenburg County, NC
Estate File of William McGuffy Rives
Warren County, North Carolina
1 Apr 1850

State of North Carolina 
Mecklenburg County      	Know all men by these presents we James 
Hennegan & Saml A. Davis both of the County & State aforesaid are held & 
firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina in the Sum of Six Hundred & 
Eighty two Dollars current money of this State to the true & faithful payment 
whereof we bind our Selves our heirs Exors Adms & assigns, given under our 
hands & Seals this 1st day of April 1850.

The condition of the above obligation is Such that whereas the above bounden 
James Hennegan adm of Wm. Rives decd has this day Recd of John Hilliard Exr of 
William Rives late of the County of Warren & State of North Carolina & also 
admin of Mary Rives late of the Same County & State aforesaid the Sum of three 
Hundred & Forty Dollars & 94/100 in full of his distributive Share of the 
personal Estate of the Said William & Mary Rives decd.  Now therefore if any 
debt or debts truly owing by Either of the decd Shall be hereafter Sued for & 
Recovered or otherwise duly made appear & the Said James Hennigan Adm Shall 
well & truly refund & pay his Ratable part of Such debt or debts then & in 
that case the above obligation to void otherwise to remain in full force & 
Effect given under our hands & Seals the day & year above written.

Witness					James Hennigan (Seal)
M. L. Wallace				Saml A. Davis (Seal)

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