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This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by:
Chris Riley   griley@CTC.Net

Note that in the transcriptions below spelling was kept as it appeared
in the document.

North Carolinah
MaclingBurg County				January term 1811

We the under subscribers Being apointed by (Court) to lay (of) to the
widow Ryleigh his first years montenanse and being Duly (sworn) as in
that Cais (dinoted) we apoint to the (s---) widow these articels to it

	thirty Bushels of Corn
        and ten of wheat also (100) wait of Coten
	three Hunderd waite of Bacon
	three Hunderd waite of (Pork)
	ten lb of Coffy & fory waite of shuger
	one bushel and a half of salte
	and one milk Cow for one year
	and what (father) is on the (father) hous
	and one (---) a (---) lode of hay Next fall
	John Johnston //		John (J----)
				Sam. (-----)
				George Stafford

the above is document #2   below is document #3

We the undersigned being called upon by the Administrators of John
Rylie Dec. to settle his Estate do find (thiers) charged as (-------)
certificate with

59 (symbol,?cents?)

		(---) have (--------) the following vouchers which is

1.  (Lett---)(------)(---)(8--)--------------------------------"  80
2.  John Davis Recpt. for(--ying) sale(4--)----------------4    "
3.  Elijah Bahor Recpt. for Coffin--------------------------8      "
4.  Sheriffs Recpt.forcostsof(Suis)------------------------14 - 49	
5.  Josph W. (------) (----) burial Expense----------------2  -  25
6. Nathan Orrs(------)(---)---------------------------------1     "
7.  Mrs Rylies Recpt. for amt. of Years (--r--ows)--------35 - 50
8.  Armstrong Rylies Recpt.-------------------------------5     "
9.  Mrs Rylies Recpt.-------------------------------------1     "
10. (Ja----) Call (t--h--) for (----)(---)(Co---)----------1     72
11.Do-------------------------(Ditto)----------------------2     85
12. (Tase) (-----)-----------------------------------------"     43
13. (----) (C--hp--ah)-------------------------------------"     25
14. Jacob Shaffers (recpt)------------------------------3      "
15. William Rylie (recpt)----------------------------------23    "
allowance to the administrators for setling the Estate (symbol)20     "


	                                                    $123  "  29

We find a Balance in the hands of the admenistrators of-----$225  "  30

(--th--) by us March 6th 1813

			(---------------------) (symbol)

			(Joab) Alexander (Symbol)

document #4 is below

	                                      $	      Cents

two hoes	James Robeson--------    0    60
Dito		Armstrong Rylie--------------------	0	55
Dito		Armstrong Rylie---------------------- 	0	40
one Drawing knife and han saw 	Armstrong Rylie--------	0	55
one barrell	William Rylie------------------------- 	0	25
one Churn	James Robeson---------------------- 0	25
one Barrell	(Henery Huston)----------------------- 	0	50
one frow	William Rylie------------------------- 	0	76
one iron Wedge	James Robeson------------------------  	0	46
one iron Wedge	William Rylie------------------------- 	0	75
one Axe		Robert Wylie---------------------   0	90
one Axe		John (-arr)---------------------        1       05
one Matack	John Wylie---------------------------  	0	62
one Matack	John Rylie------------------------   1	25
one shovel plow	Armstrong Rylie-------------------   2	50    	   
one bar shear	William Rylie------------------------ 	2	15
one Bar shear plow and tacklings Armstrong Rylie--------9	00
one bed to the Widow--------------------------------  10 00
Dito one bed and firniture---------------------------- 400
one bed and firniture 	Sally Rylie------------------15 00
one oven		Robert Wylie-------------------	1	11
one oven		Sally Rylie-------------------  3       00
one pot to the Widow------------------------------------0	50
one pot			William Black------------------	2	00
one (---m) and gears 	Polly Rylie--------------------	?	15 
one pare Warping bars 	James Robeson------------------	0	95
one pot to the Widow-----------------------------------	1	50
one spinning Wheel and Chards	Sally Rylie------------	1	30
one spinning Wheel to the Widow------------------------	1	30
Dito the Widow-----------------------------------------	2	50
one Check (Re-l) the Widow-----------------------------	0	60
one sadle	Robert Wylie---------------------------	0	10
one side sadle	Robert Wylie---------------------------	0	36
	                                           74   95

20 Wait of iron At eight & A half Cents John Davis----	1	70
one Dreser and furniture to the Widow------------------	3	00
one Wollinut table  Polly Rylie------------------------	3	40
one pine Chest to the Widow---------------------------	1	00
one pine boxe to the Widow----------------------------	0	50
one looking glase to the Widow-------------------------	0	25
one bible and hine book to the Widow-------------------	1	05
one bible	Sally Rylie----------------------------	1	01
one Riffle gun to the Widow--------------------------10 00
one Ceave to 	John Rylie-----------------------------	0	30
too barrels to the Widow------------------------------	1	00
one Croscut saw	John Rylie-----------------------------	?	01
one bar shear	John Rylie-----------------------------	0	?0
tonge and shovel and trammell to the Widow------------	1	50
too Chairs to the Widow-------------------------------	0	70
too Chars to the Widow---------------------------------	0	58
one Chare 	Robert Wylie---------------------------	0	25
too Riddles	John Rylie-----------------------------	0	75
too ewes and lams John Neely---------------------------	?	25
too sheep	Jessy Neel-----------------------------	2	40
one small bell	Jessy Neel-----------------------------	0	40
one Churn to the Widow---------------------------------	1	00
one basket and Cotton	(Steephan foxe)----------------	1	90
one sow and and five pigs (sian barnet)---------------	3	50
one sow and pigs Stephen fox--------------------------	2	00
the first Choice of hogs  Robert Wylie (sem)-----------	6	57
Second Choise in hogs	Mathew Wallas-----------------	5	27
three barrows	(tunis hood)---------------------------	6	30
the last lot of hogs	Stephen foxe---------------- 11	00
one Cow to the Widow---------------------------------  11	00
one Cow to 	James brian----------------------------	6	06
one heffer 	Thomas hunter--------------------------	6	00
too (sturks) to Sian Barnet----------------------------	4	75
one Caves	William Rylie--------------------------	2	00
one Cow		Steven fox----------------------------	4	50
one bay hors to the Widdow-----------------------------	4	00
one Sorral Mare	William Roberts----------------------2	7	40
one black Mair	Armstrong Rylie---------------------45	00
sum (s----)to the Widdow------------------------------	0	20
one Cuting boxe	Armstrong Rylie------------------------	2	00
one Cotten gin	Robert Wylie---------------------------	0	75
                                                   255  40

one lot of flaxe  Samuell (houghy)------------------	1	10
A lot of (fother) Robert Wylie-------------------------	0	30
one lot of oat 1? Cents by the dousen Armstrong Rylie 15 Dozen-2 70
one pitch fork	John Wilson---------------------------	0	50
one Waggon	James Robeson----------------------- 46	00
one lot of plank one Dollar 1 cent by the hundred (----) (hanah) (Mil)------------
-------------------------------	2	00
one Raw Cow hid	Armstrong Rylie--------------------------	1
one bridle	John Rylie-----------------------------	0	18
one Cow (scin)	Robert Wylie---------------------------	0	60
one Meel bag to the Widow-------------------------------------------------	1
on bag Dito	Robert Wylie---------------------------	1	75
too barrels	Robert Wylie---------------------------	0	10
one barrel to the Widow-------------------------------	0	05
one lot of Shoo tools Ezekiel Black--------------------	3	35
one pine tabel	Robert Wylie---------------------------	0	20
the ballence of the Corn 41 Cents the bushel Armstr Rylie 13 32
A pack of Wheet	Armstrong Rylie------------------------	0	10
A chance of Wild hogs	William Roberts----------------	3	57
too (-ansets)	Arthur Stafford------------------------	0	9?
one set of Mall Rings	John Rylie--------------------	0	30
too (sturks)	John Barnet---------------------------	3	15
three agers	John Wylie-----------------------------	0	20
one lot of books Robt Wylie----------------------------	0	65

	                                         $348	59

the amount is----------------------------------------$348	59


	Robert Wylie
	John Rylie                       Admn

below is a transcription of a deed recorded in Mecklenburg deed book 17
page 82 in favor of John Railey (Riley)

State of North Carolina						
		No 1821
To all to __________________________these presents shall come greeting
Know ye that we for & in consideration of the sum of fifty shillings
for every hundred acres hereby granted paid into our treasury by John
Railey have given and granted___________________________presents
______________ & grant unto the __________John Railey a tract of land
containing two hundred acres________________________being in our County
of Mecklenburg on the waters of Reedy Creed begining at a post oak
______________No66W 248 poles to a W.O. by the branch then No44Et 140
poles to a hickory Robt Caldwells corner thence with ______his______

So11Wt 40 poles to a post oak thence So71Et 30 poles to a B.O. then
No37Et 88 poles to a B.O. then _____Et 40 poles to a stake then No__Et
32 poles to a post oak Samuell?Cavens? corner thence with his line to
the begining_________ Entered the 27th of ?August? 1802             As
by the plot ___________________________       ________ James Turner at
Raleigh this 8th day of ?August? 28th of ?Independence? ?AD? 1803

By ______________ Will White Secrety                    Jas. Turner

Recorded in the Secretarys Office

___________________________                        R W Goodman Sec.