Will of James Potts, Mecklenburg Co. NC

From: Meredith Clapper <meredithclapper@earthlink.net>

In the name of God Amen, I , James Potts of Mechlenburg County, North
Carolina being weak in body but of sound and perfect memory and
understanding thro (torn) of God do make and order this my last will and
Testament and desire I may be received by all as such I most humbly bequeath
my soul to God my maker and body to the earth from whence it was taken in
full assurance of its return at ______t day thro the almighty power and
goodness of God as for my burial I desire it may be without pomp or State
___(torn) with deceoncy as the discretion of my dear wife and my Executors
hereafter mentioned who I doubt not will m____ it with all requsit prudence.
I desire that all my just debts and funeral expenses be first paid and as to
the remainder of my world estate which it hath pleased God to bless me with
I will and order as followeth (Viz) ____ I give and bequeath unto my beloved
wife Margret Potts this plantation we now live on acording to the boundary
line betweenst John Potts and me and plow and horses and four cows and four
sheep and the two old Negroes and as for the little Negrowench name Febe she
shall have her at her own disposal and fourteen , eight shillings in hard
money to be divided amongst the four viz Margret my wife and three children
and th____ (torn) thirty pounds in Robert Campbells hands and twenty five
pounds in Edward Smiths and twenty in Andrew Rea___ and five pounds in
Dennis Mc falls hands the said money to be divided equally betwixt Margret
my wife and ____ Potts & John Potts and my grandson James Potts Baxter and
there is five thousand two hundred pounds in paper money to be equally
divided betwixt Margret my wife and three children and there is fifty pounds
hard money in John  ____sey's hands to be equally divided betwixt my two
sons and John Baxters son James Potts and the ___s eleven pounds fifteen
shillings hard money in my br___  (brother John's Potts') hands to be
equally divided betwixt my ____ children William & John Potts and Jean
Baxter and th___ some plantation on rockey ___ to be sold and the money to
be equally divided betwixt my two sons Wm and John and Jas Potts Baxter and
there is one plantation known by the name of Minevess to John Baxter's son
James Potts and there is one still one ___ & one waggon to be sold and the
price to be equally divided betwixt Margret my wife and Wm, John Potts and
Jean Baxter and there is one bed and furniture for James Potts Baxter there
is one chest by the name of my chest for John Potts at his mother's
al___tion of her way of living there is two large bibles my two sons Wm &
John Potts there is my body cloaths to be equally divided betwixt my two
sons Wm & John.  N. B as for the plantation we now live upon it is to be
given to John Potts at his mothers decease or at her marriage likewise the
two old Negroes Bia and mall is to be given to my two sons Wm & Jno Potts
Bia to John & maul to Wm at the death or marriage of their mother and as for
the __y household furniture I do give to my beloved wife Margret Potts to be
disposed of at her discretion and I do hereby constitue and apoint ;my
beloved wife Margret Potts William Potts & John Baxter as my Executors given
under my hand and seal this sixttenth day of February 1781.
NB the remainder of the cattle & sheep to be equally divided amongst the
three children except one two year old heifer to my grandaughter Margret

witness: Wm MCullar jurat                                 James
Wm Owens?                                                 his


Mecklenburg County Original wills NC 1749-1918 CR.065.801.28
James Potts 1781

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