Mecklenburg COUNTY, NC - WILLS - David Parks, Sr, 14 Aug 1813 ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Vernon B. Williams ==================================================================== Will of David Parks, Sr Mecklenburg County, NC Will Book F p 81 (Page 1) In the Name of God Amen I David Parks Sr of the State of North Carolina & County of Mecklenburg being in health & Memory do this 14th Day of August in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight hundred & thirteen Constitute make publish & declare this my last Will & Testament in manner & form following Viz, 1st I give & bequeath unto my Son Robt Parks daughter Peggy Parks my Negro girl Lisey to be hers forever But to remain with & Be for the use of Sd Robert during his natural Life & no longer then to descend to sd Peggy sd Robert paying to me of the produs of the farm what may be claimed a Reasonable compensation for keeping sd Negro for the full term of three years. 2nd Item I give & bequeath unto my Son David Parks the Sum of One hundred & fifty dollars 3rd Item I give & Bequeath unto my grandson Cyrus Henderson my Negro Child a Boy Henry Said Cyrus paying to me during my natural life a reasonable compensation at the end of every Six Months for keeping sd Child Henry 4th Item I give & Bequeath Unto my granddaughter Elizabeth Henderson my Negro Girl Dorcas to be hers forever But Said Negro Dorcas to remain & be for the use of my daughter Lilly Henderson during sd Lillys natural life & no longer then to descend to sd Elizabeth Said Lilly paying to me of the produc of the farm what may be deemed a Reasonable compensation for keeping Sd Negro for the full term of three years if demanded 5 Item I give & Bequeath unto my son James Parks the plantation whereon he now lives during his Natural Life & no longer to be disposed of as hereinafter described whereas myself (page 2) David Parks & my Son Robert Parks are Seperately bound to Security for Said James Parks considerable Sum of Money & if I or my Son Robert both of us Should have said money to pay for said James & said James personal property should fail to pay Sd Sum or Sums which we are Security for it is my Will & Pleasure said Land shall be sold at publick Sale to the highest Bidder & the money ariseing to pay Said Debts for which we are Security for Said James & the Ballance of Said money if any after paying the aforesaid debts to the Sd James Parks forever - & further it is my Will if the aforesaid Land should not be sold to pay the Said debts alluded to, then in that case Sd Land Shall be Sold at publick Sale at the death of Sd James Parks & the money ariseing therefrom to be Equally divided One third to Robert Parks Son James Parks One third to Libby Henderson's son David Henderson, and One third to David Parks daughter Rebeccah Parks 6th Item I give & Bequeath Unto my Son John Parks the sum of two dollars 7th Item I give & Bequeath unto my Son Joseph Parks the Sum of Two dollars 8th Item I give & Bequeath Unto my daughter Rebeccah Rodgers the Sum of Two dollars 9th Item I give & Bequeath Unto my daughter Mary Robison the Sum of two dollars 10th I give & Bequeath Unto my Beloved Wife Martha Parks all the Remainder & Remainds & Residue of my Estate not heretofore Willed to be her own private & proper Use & such part during her natural life & to be under the immediate care management & Guardianship of Robt Parks & David Parks for her comfortable Support & during her life & at any time She may autorise my Executors to Sell at publick Sale any (page 3) Surplus property She may not have Use for where she may incline to live & at her death any property herein Will of Should Remain Sd property together with & singular the Residue of my Estate to be sold at publick Vendue & it is my Will that Negro Tab & her daughter Kisey Shall not be parted but shall remain with my wife Martha Parks where ever She may live & at my Wifes death Sd Tab & Kisey Shall have One Month to choose & find a Master for Sd Tab & Kisey & it is my Will that my Executor Shall Sell Negroes Tab & Kisey to the master they may find at whatever Sun three good Men may say is their value One half of their price to be paid in twelve Months the other half in two years & lastly it is my Will that when the Residue of my property Shall be Sold that all my just & legal debts with ( ?? ) C hayes be paid & the Remainder of Sd money to be Equally divided between my Sons Robt Parks, David Parks & my grandson Cyrus Henderson Share & Share Alike & I do hereby Constitute & appoint my Sons Robt Parks & David Parks my Executors to Execute this my last Will & Testament & I hereby disamend & make void all former Wills & Testaments by me made & Published In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & Seal this 14th Day of August in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred & thirteen 1813 David Parks (Seal) Signed published & declared in prescence of Andrew Henderson Matw Wallace Carns H Henderson