Mecklenburg County NcArchives Wills.....Osborne, Christopher December 13, 1788 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Debra Spindle March 23, 2006, 10:43 pm Source: Nc Archives Written: December 13, 1788 Will for Christopher Osborne was filed and probated in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, signed 13 December 1788. In the name of God Amen, I, Christopher Osborne, American free holder in Mecklenburg County, State of North Carolina, being sick and weak in body for sometime and calling to mind my mortality being in sound way, both mind and judgment and as it has pleased an all wise God to bless me with a numerous family do choose to make this my last will and testament and first I recommend my soul to Almighty God who gave it, begging that he will be graciously pleased to accept the same for what Jesus has done and suffered for a lost and ruined world. With regard to what of this worlds goods it has pleased God to bless me I choose to dispose of in the following manner and first I allow all my just and lawful debts to be discharged. Item: I bequeath to my beloved wife, Sarah Osborne, the plantation I now live on with all the working instruments and tacklings on the same, all creatures, cows, horses, hogs, household goods furnishings or furniture, curing widowhood, only this to be observed that whatever creatures are hereafter named are excepted. Item: I bequeath unto my well beloved daughter Mary Polk, five lbs. In money or value. Item: I bequeath unto my well beloved daughter, Rebecca Powell, five lbs. in money or value. Item: I bequeath unto my well beloved daughter, Escena Howell, five lbs. in money or value. Item: I bequeath unto my well beloved daughter, Ferrie Osborne, the sum of 20 lbs. in money or value. Item: I bequeath unto my well beloved daughter, Caty Osborne, the sum of 20 lbs. in money or value. Item: I bequeath unto my well beloved daughter, Lydia Osborne, the sum of 20 lbs. in money or value. Item: I bequeath unto my well beloved daughter, Milly Osborne, the sum of 20 lbs. in money or value. Item: I bequeath unto my well beloved daughter, Elizabeth Osborne, the sum of 20 lbs. in money or value. Item: I bequeath unto my well beloved son, Johnathan, that plantation Frederick Kerlock now lives on, and one negro named Ned. Also a horse named Dick. (Take notice the above plantation hath two deeds.) Item: I bequeath unto my well beloved son, Christopher Osborne, all and every of the piece of land to me deeded and granted. The negro Bob, I bequeath unto my Son, Christopher Osborne. Item: As I believe my well beloved wife is pregnant with child, my will is as followeth: Should it please the allwise God, the child should be male and arrive at the age of 21 years, he shall have one hundred pounds, paid by my son, Christopher Osborne, or to have the value thereof in land as he, the above described child shall choose. But should be the child be female, and arrive at the age of eighteen years, then I bequeath unto her, the sum of 20 lbs. in money or value. I appoint and nominate my well beloved wife Sarah Osborne and Johnathan my son, to be the only executors of this my last Will and Testament, and my wife to have the whole disposal of all and singular, the negroes and premises as above named for the good of the family and that during widowhood, and do revoke all other Wills and Testaments whatsoever acknowledging this as my last Will and Testament. Signed with my (hand) and sealed with my seal, this the 13the day of December in the year 1788. Signed: (Christopher Osborne, Seal) Witnesses: Michael Garman Joseph Howell Archibald White N.B. Jan 22, 1789 Should the Lord be pleased in the course of his wise and adorable providence to remove any of my male children before they arrive at the age of twenty-one I then order and allow and bequeath that one part to the surviving male heirs, and should the child that my dear and loving wife is pregnant with at this date, be a male, I allow that whoever of the three be removed, that an equal division be made of that one part to the surviving males. This I acknowledge as my last will, the day and the year written above. Signed: (Christopher Osborne) Witnesses: John Carothers Adam Edger Archibald White This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.7 Kb