MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC - WILLS - Thomas Neely, 3 Nov 1793


In the Name of God Amen the third day of November in the year of our Lord 
1793 I Thomas Neely of the County of Meclinburg and State of North Carolina 
being sick and weak in Body but of Perfect Mind & Memory thanks be to God 
for the same  And calling to mind the mortality of my Body and knowing that 
it is appointed for all men once to die do make & ordain this my last Will 
& Testament And principally and first of all I recommend my soul into the 
hands of God that gave it my Body to be buried in a Christian like and 
decent manner nothing doubting but I shall receive the same again by the 
mighty Power of God. And as touching such Worldly Estate wherewith it hath 
pleased God to bless me in this life I give & dispose of the same in manner 
and form following that is to say------

I give and bequeath to my son John Neely one Negro boy named Joe whom I allow 
to be learned to read and two hundred acres of land on the Western Waters.  
Now in the hands of Col. Robt Twin, and one bay mare, both now in his 
possession.---And the half of the time of my Negro girl named Else from the 
time she arrives to twenty years of age, and also my velvet jacket & breeches.

I give & bequeath to my son Samuel Calhoon one Negro wench named Susy giving 
her too days every week for the purpose of providing herself in clothingand 
such of my household furniture as he now hath in his possession.  And my 
saddle horse to my daughter Agnes for her own use.

I give and bequeath to my son James Careathers one Bay Mare & colt now in 
his possession.

I give and bequeath to my son Thomas Neely on [sic] Negro child named Dinah 
allowing her to be learned to read.And four horse creatures, all now in his 
possession.---and one hundred acres of land off the North side of my tract 
next the Cataba river.And two hundred acres of land on the Western Waters 
now in the hands of  Col. Robt Twin.And what cash and horn cattle I may 
have at my decease.

I give and bequeath to my son Samuel Neely the East end of my land I now 
live on as run and plated by Col. Robt Twin. And one hundred acres off the 
South side of my tract of land next the cataba river. And twenty one acres 
off the tract called Davis's land along Mendenhalls line. And one Negro 
fellow named Micke--& one Negro Wench named Dinah & six horse creatures and 
the horn cattle now in his possession.And my bed and furniture.

I give & bequeath to my son Moses Neely all my land on the west side of the 
above Marked line as run by Col. Robt Twin including one hundred acres out 
of the middle of my tract next the Cataba riverand one Negro fellow named 
NattAnd the use of the Negro girl named Else until she arrive to the age 
of twenty years, and the horse creatures & horn cattle now in his possession.

I give & bequeath to my Grand Daughter Hanah Hartt my chest.

I give & bequeath to my grandson John Carrothers the one half of the time of 
my Negro girl Else after she arrive to the age of twenty years. And the 
remainder of my body cloaths to be equally divided between him & my grandsons 
John & Thomas Calhon.

I allow that none of my Negros be sold out of my family, under penalty of 
loosing the property which shall in that case fall into the hands of the 
rest of my legatees.

And I do hereby constitute & appoint my trusty friends John Neely, John 
Whiteside and Joseph Swann Executors of this my last will & testament. And 
I do hereby utterly revoke and disannul all other former wills & testaments 
by me before this time named & ratifying & confirming this & no other to be 
my last will & testament  In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & 
seal the day & year first above written.

Signed sealed & declared}  Hugh Roan Jurat                        his
In presence of } Joseph T_____                              Thomas Neely seal
         Her                                                    mark
Mary Jane  Whiteside

Thomas Neelye
Last will
Jany 18, 1794
Registered in Book E page 40


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