Mecklenburg County, NC - Will of Jacob Meissenheimer, 1801

[translated from original which was written in German]

Cabarrus County, North Carolina
December 15, 1787

I, the undersigned, Jacob Meissenheimer, Planter and dweller in North 
Carolina, Mecklenburg County, who through the goodness of God have grown 
old feel myself ill and weak in body, but, God be thanked, wholly sound 
of mind. As I well know that my days on earth are soon to end but do not 
know how soon it will please the Master to demand me, so do I remember 
my mortality, and pray to God, at my death to take pity on my soul, and 
then when it is parted from my body to take it up graciously in his 
heavenly Kingdom, and my left behind family shall place my body in the 
earth according to Christian custom.

Regarding the few timely possessions that I, by the will of God, possess, 
so will that they be used peacefully and quietly by my family, so that no 
quarrel may arise. After payment of all just debts, my goods be divided 
as follows:

FIRST. My wedded wife, Margaretha, whom I tenderly love, shall after my 
death remain fully lord and master over all my belongings, and the full 
reign and house management shall be held in her hands, also that no one 
dare to take anything from her, except that she of her own free will, and 
without being forced, gives to her children. But should she marry again, 
so must she take nothing with her except what the law allows, her bed, 
spinning wheel and saddle.

SECOND. My son Abraham shall for always become possessor of my plantation 
but shall give my wife the fourth bushel of wheat, welch corn, and rye 
that he farms. So long as she lives and remains a widow shall this be 
given her yearly without fail. Also, my son Abraham, unhindered, the use 
of the wagons that I leave behind, but the half of the pay that he earns 
through it shall belong to my wife as long as she is a widow.

THIRD. Then, shall my son Abraham not have a full right or law made deed 
be made for him until after the death of my wife, if she remains a widow, 
but then, shall be made for him a deed by the executors of my testament, 
over my plantation. Abraham shall from that time on be indebted to his 
brothers and sisters to pay them the sum of thirty pounds.

FOURTH My children are John, George, Jacob, Peter, Abraham, Anna, Margaret, 
Katherine, Maria, Elizabeth and Barbara. These ten children which I 
recognize all as my children and tenderly love shall after the death of 
their mother, my goods in equal parts divide between themselves. If they 
can divide the things peacefully without vendue, so will this be the best 
for them. But if they cannot become one over some, so may they order an 
auction, and then between themselves, divide the whole in equal parts. But 
shall them the big saw not be sold but belong to my children all together.

I recognize this alone for my last Will and Testament which after my death 
shall accurately be kept and followed. Otherwise do I throw out all other 
wills & testaments which may be shown. To executors I make my sons John 
and George. To our strength have I before witnesses set my hand and seal. 
North Carolina, Mecklenburg County in the year of our Lord 1787 - 15th day 
of December. For always is the undersigned set in

/s/ Jacob Meissenheimer *****seal******
Witness /s/ Peter Quillman /s/ Isaac Blackwelder

Probated Oct 1801


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