Wills: Mary M. McAulay, 1900: Mecklenburg, NC

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State of North Carolina,
Mecklenburg County.

I, Mary M. McAulay, of the State and county aforesaid, knowing the
uncertainty of life and the certainty of death, do make this my last will
and testament:

1st. I will that my debts be paid out of the means that the Lord has
blessed me with.

2nd. I will to my son, T. M. McAulay one cupboard and lounge, my buggy
and bay mare named Doll.

3rd. To my daughter Julee Beard I will one-half of the feather bed, one
gray mule named Lill at home; and to my daughter Grier Bradford I will
one feather bed, one gray mule at Tom Hardy's, and one red horny heifer.
To my daughter Mattie M. Millen I will one-half of <the> feather bed, one
safe, calendar clock and wagon.

To my son W. C. McAulay I will one mule named Bill, one large kettle and
my library.

3rd. I will my three daughters Grier Bradford, Julee Beard and Mattie M.
Millen each one hundred dollars above any division that may come

4th. I will that my executor hereinafter named shall sell publicly or
privately, as he may think best, the lands adjoining J. O. Beard and
others known as the <crossed out> Alf. Washam Place, and also a tract of
land in Cabarrus County adjoining John Rankin, George Goodman and others.
I will that my executor be given ample time to make said sale that there
be no sacrifice of the above land, and apply the proceeds in the
following manner:  To my grandchildren, to Clarence McAulay, Mary H.
McAulay, Mary Cleone Beard, Julee McAulay Beard, Bernard McAulay
Bradford, Mary Martha Bradford, Lunie McAulay and Roderick Beard; each of
the above to have twenty-five dollars ($25) and to all the other
grandchildren ten dollars ($10) each.

4th. It is my will that in the interval between my death and the sale of
said lands that my executor rent said land and keep in good condition,
pay the taxes and pay himself for all trouble, that he may have, and if
there be a remainder, apply it to the paying of the grandchildren; their
portion is mentioned above.

5th. I will that the remainder of the proceeds of said land, if there be
any, be equally divided between my children, T. M. McAulay, Grier
Bradford, Julee Beard, Mattie M. Millen and W. C. McAulay.

6th. It is my will that the place near my house adjoining Miss M. I.
Black be equally divided among my five children, each to have their
portion joining the land already deeded to them, or as near as
practicable, and that the value of the houses shall not be considered in
the division.

7th. I will that my executor collect all my notes and accounts, and after
paying my debts divide the remainder equally among my five children.

8th. I appoint my son, W. C. McAulay, to execute this my last will and

Witness my hand and seal this 6th day of January, 1900.

Witnesses.                       MARY M. MCAULAY  (SEAL).
D. W. Mayes,
John C. Black