MECKLENBURG COUNTY - WILLS - Robert Lucky Will - 1863

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This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by:
Ken Luckey

                     Robert Luckys Will

In the name of God Amen.  I Robert Lucky of the County of 
Mecklenburg in State of N Carolina. not enjoying a good state of health, 
but blessed be God enjoying perfect mind and memory and calling to 
mind the immortality of the body, and knowing, that it is appointed of 
God for all once to die, do make and ordain this instrument of writing to 
be my last will and testament in manner and form following.

I will that my body be buried in a decent Christian manner.  All my 
funeral expenses be paid together with all my other just debts 

I will and bequeath to my beloved Wife Sarah Lucky my plantation on 
which I now live together with all my household and kitchen furniture 
of all kinds whatsoever together with all my stock of horses, cows, 
sheep and hogs. To be hers during her widowhood or lifetime.  And at 
her death.  I will all my Land to my three daughters by Nancy E. Lucky, 
Sarah C. Lucky & Amelia C. Lucky.  And the last single one to hold the 
same during her single life and then to be divided share and share alike.

I will and bequeath. That Nancy E., Sarah C. and Amelia C. Lucky. Pay 
back to my daughter Mary Brown. Dorcas Westmoreland and Catherine 
Nantz, and to my two sons Robert & Sydney Lucky, and to my three 
grandchildren. James, Robert & Sarah Westmoreland children of 
Stanhope & Susannah Westmoreland. Five Dollars each.

I will and bequeath.  That my granddaughter Sarah Westmoreland, 
daughter of Stanhope & Susannah Westmoreland, have her living on 
this place during her single life.

I constitute and appoint my son Robert Lucky.  To execute this my last 
will and testament.  Signed with my hand and seal and dated February 
9, 1863
Signed sealed and acknowledged in 
The presence of H. W. Hale
                S. W. Knox

                                                  Robert x Lucky  seal

Book J, Mecklenburg County, NC, Wills
Prb. In Apr. 1864 Ct by oath of H.W. Hale