Last Will & Testament of John Love, 1791

File contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Donna Johnson 
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Last Will & Testament of John Love [Mecklenburg Co., NC Will Book B:31]

In the name of God Amen.  The 23rd day of July in the year of our Lord 1791  
I John Love of Mecklenburg County + state of North Carolina being in a 
distressing weak State of body, but of perfect mind + manner, Thanks be to 
God for his mercies + calling to mind the mortality of my body + that it is 
appointed unto all men once to die, Do make + ordain this my last Will + 
Testament that is to say principally + first of all I recommend my Soul to 
Almighty God who gave it + my body to the earth to be buried in a decent 
Christian manner at the discretion of my Executors nothing doubting but 
at the general Resurrection I shall receive the Same again by the mighty
power of God, And as Touching my Worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased 
God to bless me in this life I give devise + dispose of in the following 
manner + form.  Impremis I give + bequeath unto Sarah my well beloved wife 
all my estate Real + personal during her widowhood:  I do give and bequeath 
at the death of my wife all my personal Estate Cows, Horses, Sheep + Hogs 
+ household goods to be divided Equal among my Children Jane Reamy William 
Love + John Love Mary Adamson + Thomas Love + Samuel Love + Joseph Love + 
Christopher Love + Sarah Love  And I do give + bequeath to my well daughter 
Elizabeth [h-t-] Stewart Banks eight Shillings;  And I do give + bequeath 
to my well beloved Sons David + Christopher Love the plantation whereon I 
now live to be enjoyed by them in full possession at the death of my wife;  
Joseph Todd + James Neal I constitute + appoint Executors of this my last 
Will + Testament and I do hereby disallow + Revoke + disannul all + any 
other former Wills, Testaments, Legacies, Bequests Executors by me in any 
way before named, willed + Bequeathed, Satisfying + confirming this + no 
other to be my last Will + Testament.  In Witness thereof I have hereunto 
set my hand + seal the day + year first written.  Signed Sealed Published 
Pronounced + declared by the John Love as his last Will and Testament in 
the presence of us
William McKinley 
Michael Stinson                       John Love {seal} 
John Canon

submitted by:Donna Johnson