MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC - WILLS - Samuel Knox Will - 1794

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This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by:
Louise Pettus

Buried in Steele Creek Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Mecklenburg 
County, NC


I SAMUEL KNOX of the County of Mecklenburg and State of North 
Carolina being through the abundant Mercy and goodness of God 
though weak in body yet sound and perfect understanding and Memory 
do constitute this my Last Will and Testament...As to my burial I 
desire it may be decent without pomp or state at the descretion of my 
wife and Executors herein after named who I doubt not will manage it 
with all prudence.  And as to my world estate I will it and order that my 
just debts be paid.  Item.  To my well beloved wife Mary I bequeath one 
bed and furniture which she commonly called her own and also two 
horses named Roan and Fox. Also two Negroes named January and Nan 
also six cows of her own choosing out of my flock and hogs at the 
discretion of my Executors for her maintenance, also four sheep with a 
new saddle and bridle plough and tackling, one matock two hoes one 
walnut chest one mahogany table with all the pots, pans & dresser 
furniture except the silver handled knives and forks which are to be 
equally divided between my widow and three daughters and for her my 
widow to remain and enjoy this my mansion house and farm during her 
widowhood also young black mare name Cate all which is to have and 
possess during her widowhood except the Negroes and them to be 
equally divided among my three daughters Jane, Sarah and Mary except 
the household furniture which she is to dispose of at her own discretion.  
Item. To my well beloved daughters Jane I bequeath one roan horse 
named Flint with three cows and four hogs.  Item. To my daughter 
Sarah I bequeath one soral mare named dawson with six head of neat 
cattle of two or three years old and five head of hogs and two sheep and 
in case she does not come for said Legacy in the span of five years after 
my decease then said Legacy to be divided between my daughters Jane 
and Mary.  Item. To my daughter Mary I bequeath a soral horse named 
Dawson (?) 6 head of neat cattle of two or three years old with six 
young hogs and four sheep also one negro named Ive.  Item.  To my 
grandson John Pettus I bequeath negro man named jack & one gold 
watch.  Item. To my grandson Stephen Pettus I bequeath one negro 
woman called Bet.  Item.  To my granddaughter Agness Pettus I 
bequeath one negro man called Frank and four head of neat cattle of one 
or two years old.  Item to my granddaughter Mary Pettus daughter of 
George Pettus I bequeath one mulatto boy named Duff and one yearling 
filly a colt of Dosons.  Item. To my granddaughter Mary Candlish I 
bequeath three negroes named Tom, Will and Phib.  Also one plantation 
whereupon Alexander Candlish lived in York County South Carolina on 
waters of Steel Creek joining George Pettus, William Pettus, Joseph 
Jackson, and Jesse Horn, and one plantation in Mecklenburg Co No. 
Carolina joining John Neely, Charles Calhoun, Walter Davis & Robert 
Barnett on the waters of Steel Creek containing about three hundred 
acres and one plantation near Bigger's Ferry on the Catawba joining the 
lands of David McMason, Samuel Neely, Martin West containing three 
hundred acres, also one plantation joining the Indian line and the lands 
that was formerly Jackson Neelys and another tract of my own and 
David Knox's all that the patent contains also a lease of land in South 
Carolina joining the last mentioned tract of land a small tract joining 
Martin West & Standard's lines and if Alexander Candlish returns to 
these parts to live he is to have hold occupy and possess any tract willed 
to Mary Candlish & two of said negroes for twenty five years after my 
decease and not sell, barter, or trade said land or negroes to any person 
or persons whatsoever and in case Mary Candlish dies before she 
arrives to the age of eighteen years then sd lands and negroes to descend 
to her brothers or sisters in case sd Candlish has no issue by her mother 
then sd lands and negroes to descend to my daughters Jane and Mary 
equally also one negroe girl named Sall till she sd negroe is twenty four 
years of age. Item.  To my granddaughter Rebecca Pettus I bequeath a 
negro girl named Poll and five head of neat cattle about one or two 
years old. Item. To my grandson Samuel Knox Pettus son of William 
Pettus I bequeath the plantation whereon I now live and as much in the 
south state joining this tract as will make this tract eight hundred acres 
with all the improvements and appurtenances thereunto belonging 
forever also one negro woman named Dinah one negro boy called 
Moses and his father to have the use of said negroes till sd heir is twenty 
one years of age.  Item. to Wm. Pettus I bequeath all the remainder of 
land in South Carolina except the tract my brother Robert Knox lives on 
which he is to hold during his life and then to descend to William Pettus 
except a tract joining Richard Springs on the Millstone Branch and 
Clem's Branch and that tract I bequeath to my grandson Stephen Pettus 
one half of said tract is John Knox's and the lease in his name and mine 
and John Pettus son of George Pettus I bequeath one tract of land 
joining the lines of Richard Robison, John Price, Wm. McRae, James 
Blackwood, Wm. Ferguson, Robt McCormack, about one hundred and 
twenty eight acres, and one piece of land that Gordon leased out a small 
tract joining widow Neels, Jas Porter and Capt Harts and two warrants 
in the hands of county surveyor and these last named lands I bequeath to 
my Exors herein after named to be sold and the money arising from the 
sale to be equally divided among my grandchildren above named my 
two stills, my stallion, my two waggons, my guns, my sword, and all 
horses and neat cattle, hogs, and sheep not mentioned and all the 
farming utensils o be sold and the money arising from the sale, the brick 
house that is now begun to be completed and done off according to what 
Thompson, Hartgrove and Charles Wright has agreed to do it for sd 
house to be twenty feet high above the stone work and cheimneys and 
all the money arising from the sale and all notes, bonds and book debts 
after said building is completed and the money in the hands of my exors 
to be equally divided among my grandchildren and put to usury for 
them, and to my brother Johns son Samuel Knox I bequeath one young 
bay horse two years old, and to Samuel Knox Pettus my grandson I 
bequeath one tract of land joining Samuel Calhoun and my own and 
Samuel Neely's lines about thirty acres.  The grain in the ground after a 
sufficient quantity laid off for the maintenance of my widow to be sold 
at the discretion of my Exors, my smith tools, harness leather and saddle 
furniture and all others hides and leather and what whiskey can be 
spared and loom and tackling to be sold and the money to be divided as 
above directed, and I leave all my wearing apparel to be equally divided 
between my brothers Matthew Knox and David Knox and the plantation 
that is between David Knox and me I bequeath him my half of it.  And I 
bequeath James Tagart my best Hatt and I do hereby forever ratify and 
confirm all gifts, bequests and legacies by me formerly granted and I 
appoint and constitute my beloved wife Mary Knox my executrix, 
William Pettus and James Tagart my Executors to this my last will and 
testaments.  In witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and seal 
this 5th day of May 1794 signed, sealed and pronounced in the presence 

James F. Gordon
his Samuel Knox {LS}
Joseph X Knox
George Pettus

Estate administration:

April Session 1804 Mecklenburg County Court Minutes, Book 4. #463: 
George Pettus vs. Samuel Knoxes Exrs. Charged, Verdict-find for the 
Plaintiff  120.11.9 and they also find a Set Off in the following words to 
Wit: Twelve months after date we or either of us acknowledge ourselves 
bound to pay or cause to be paid unto William Pettus or James Tagerts, 
Executors or the Estate of Samuel Knox, deceased, the Sum of $285, 
Value received, Witness our hands and Seals this 15th day of May 1800 
George Pettus (Seal)
Test: Robert Bigham Alexr. Candlish (Seal)
And that the $241.21 of Said Bond is a compleat Set off against the 
plaintiffs Demands.

South Carolina I Benjamin Chambers Ordinary of the District York 
District aforesaid do hereby certify that the within is a true copy of the 
last will and testament of Samuel Knox Deceased as in the Records of 
this Office
Given under my hand & seal July 9, 1823 Benjamin Chambers O. Y. D.