King Family Wills

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Meckenburg Co., NC Will Book K, page 52
Written 10 November 1870

                        Cynthia Kings Will

State of North Carolina
Mecklenburg County              Probate Court
                Application for the Probate of Will
     On the application and affidavit of C C King, the follow
ing paper is exhibited before me for Probate, purporting to be the
Last Will and Testament of Cynthia King decd.
     The Estate of decd consists of Real Estate of the value of about
$400, and of Personally of the Value of about $25.00 and is
all disposed of by Will.
This Last will and Testament of Cynthia D King Mecklenburg
County and State of North Carolina.  Considering the uncertainty
of this mortal life and being of sound mind and memory do
make and publish this my last will and testament in manner
and form following.  that is to say first I give and bequeath
unto my oldest Sons C C King & G. W King.  I give & bequeath
unto my oldest Son C C King a piece or parcel of land lying
and being in the aforesaid County and State. Joining Little
and H Henderson and others and now at law.  I give and
bequeath unto my son G. W King and the heirs of W I King
the money collected for as damages on said land above --
mentioned and if the said money should not make G. W King
and the heirs of W I King equal in value the said C C King
to pay to G W King and the heirs of W I King the sum to make
them equal in value.  I give and bequeath unto my Grand
child I E I King one half of a piece or parcel of land lying
on the Beattiesford road joining G Plummer & Lizzie Johnston
and others & I give and bequeath to my grand child L C King
one half of the last piece or parcel of Land last mentioned.
I give and bequeath unto C C King and G W King all my house
and kitchen furniture and I wish my two sons to sell such
things as they see proper to pay all my expenses after my death
This the 23rd day of December Eighteen Hundred & Sixty Seven
the above instrument of One Sheet was now Subscribed by
                                Cynthia D King
The Testator in the presence of each of us and was at the same time
declared by her to be her last will and testament and we at her
request Signed our names hereto as attending witnesses
                                James Ellwood
                                Thos Ellwood

The foregoing paper writing purporting to be the last will and Testament of
Cynthia D King decd is exhibited before me the undersigned Judge of Probate
for said County by C C King and the decs execution thereof by the said
Cynthia D King by the Oathes of Thomas Ellwood and James Ellwood the
Subscribing witnesses thereto, who being
duly sworn, doth depose and say each for himself that he is a Subscribing
Witness to the paper writing now shown him purporting to be the last will
and testament of Cynthia D King.  That the said C C King in the presence of
the deponents exhibited the said  paper writing, which is now shown as
aforesaid and which bears date on the 25 day of Dec 1867.   And the
deponents for this saith that the said Cynthia D King the Testatrix
aforesaid did at the time of Subscribing her name as
aforesaid declare the said paper writing to be her last will and Testament,
and that they did thereupon subscribe their names thereto as attending
Witnesses at her
request and in the Presence of said Testators and deponents further saith
that at the time, when the said Testatrix so subscribed her name she was
of sound mind and memory of full age to make a will and was not
under any restraint to their knowledge or information.
                                Thos Ellwood
                                James Ellwood
Severally Sworn & Subscribed this 10th day of Nov 1870
                                E A Osborne Judge of Probate

* * * * *  *

Last Will & Testament of John I. King
Mecklenburg County Will Book J, page 42
Written 23 February 1857

I John I King of Mecklenburg County and State of North Carolina Will and
bequeath at my death, to my Mother Synthia D King my Plantation, known as
the Ferril place during her natural life, and at her
death I will and bequeath said plantation to my brother William J A King
and Pinkney A King, and to their heirs and assigns forever.

I will and bequeath my sorrel mare to my brother, Geo W King.  I also will
my shot gun to my brother Collin C King Jr, and I will my Rifle Gun to my brother Geo W King.
And what remains of my property after my debts are paid I will and bequeath
to my brother William J A King and Pinkney A King.  Further I appoint my
father C C King Sr the executor of this my last
will and testament.
Witness my hand and seal this 23 day of February 1857
Signed in the presence of                his
James L Todd Jt                 John I King X {seal}
R H Lafferty JT                              mark