The John Howey family lived in an area that is now a part of
Union County, NC
State Dept. of Archives and History Search Room,
Raleigh, N.C
Transcribed by Carolyn Burgess Knott

In the name of God Amen.  I John Howey, of Mecklenbourg County
and State of N. Carolina, being at present in a weak and low
condition of body but a sound and disposing memory,
Blessed be God, and calling to mind the mortality of the body,
and that it is appointed for all men to die, do
make and ordain this my last will and Testament in the
manner and form following.
First of all I recommend my Soul to God who gave it,
and my body to the Earth to be buried in Christian
like and descent manner at the discretion of my
Executors herein after mentioned, and as touching
such worldly Estate as it hath pleased God to Bless me
with in this life, I give and dispose of the same as
follows, first of all I will that my just debts and
funeral expences be paid and discharged as soon as
convenient after my decease. Im prinis. I give and bequeath
unto my well beloved wife Francis, a Negro wench named
Sue, and a small wench named Doll, and a Negro man
named Bob, and a sorrel mare called Pall, three cows
with their calves, with two steers that be from
her choice of my stock, two Ewes with their lamb,
together with all the household and kitchen furniture that
she brought with her to me when she became my wife,
and the beds and bedding to be hers in the same repair
that they now are in, Fiffty Bushels of Corn, and Ten
Bushels of wheat and one bushel of salt to be delivered
to her at whatever place she has her residence and that
loss my executors clear ? expense to my widow and likewise
One Hundred Dollars in money to be paid unto her by my
Executors in one year after my decease and if it be
convenient for my survivors to pay the one third of
the hundred dollars sooner it is my will that it should
be done and this property so left to my wife, I leave
to her use and to be wholly at her disposal.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my son George the land
and Plantation I now live on containing three hundred
acres to be the same only with all the building and
improvements thereunto belonging to him and his heirs
forever in Fee Simple together with my Negro man named
Jsck and a mare of my property that he has now in his
possession.  It is likewise will that all my household
and kitchen furniture (excepting what is above mentioned
to my wife) together with all my books and wearing
apparel be equally divided between my four Executors
hereinafter named, Share and Share alike as they shall
agree and it is further my will that all the remainder
of my property not herein before mentioned be sold by
my executors as soon as convenient after my decease,
and the money arising from such sale together with what
money I may have on hand and the outstanding debts
due to me, divided as follows To Robert Howey Ten
Dollars and to each of his three children by daughter
Mary, deceased, viz Samuel, John and William, thirty
dollars each, to be put to interest by my executors
for their use and each of them to be paid their share
at the age of Twenty one years, and if should so happen
that any of the three children here mentioned should
die before they are Twenty one years of age, then and in
that case their share to given to the survivours. One
hundred Dollars to my wife as before mentioned and the
remainder of the money arising from the sale to be
equally divided between my three children Elizabeth
wife to William Howey, Jean wife to William Stewart and
Ann wife to John Huston share and share alike. And lastly
I do hereby nominate my son George and my Sons in law
William Howey, William Stewart and John Huston, Executors
of this my last will and Testament, hereby revoking
all former wills by me heretofore made, ratifying
and connfirming this to be my last will and Testament,
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and
affixed my seal this 24th of December 1803.
                          John Howey (SEAL)

Signed, Sealed, Published and
pronounced, by the do John Howey,
to be his last will and Testament.
In the presence of us, who at his
request have subscribed our names
as Witnesses.
John McNeeley
Samuel Gordon
John McCorkel
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Carolyn Burgess Knott<beknott@InfoAve.Net>