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Last Will & Testament of Mary Hoover
Mecklenburg County Will Book J, page 20
Written 12 February 1856
Probated in court April 1856 by the oaths of the subscribing witnesses.

The County of Mecklenburg & State of North Carolina.
Being of sound mind and memory but considering the uncertainty of my (  )
do make and declare this my last will and testament in manner and form as
follows that is to say 1st - That my executor provide for my body a decent
burial & after a decent headstone to be purchased out of the money that
comes into his hands.
2nd - I will to my beloved son Francis M. Hoover one horse and one heifer
and all the corn on hand and 500 lbs of bacon and the growing crop of wheat
I allow him one half.
3rd - I allow the remainder of my property is to be equally divided amongst
my other children (not listed), except Washington L. Hoover I give him $1.
And lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint
my friend F. T. Sandifer my lawful executor to (  ) execute this my last
will and testament according
to the true intents and meaning of the same.  In witness whereby I the said
Mary Hoover unto set my hand and seal this the 12th day of Febr 1856.
J. B. Clanton, Jurat
Alexander A. Cathey, Jurat
W. K. Reid, CCC
Signed: Mary Hoover