Last Will & Testament of Henry Hoover
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Last Will & Testament of Henry Hoover
Mecklenburg County Wills Book I, page 167
Written March 4, 1850; probated in court April 1850

      In the name of God, Amen.
      I Henry Hoover, being of feeble body but of sound mind being desirous
of making an equitable distribution of my worldly effects do hereby
constitute and ordain this my last will and testament
revoking all other wills or codicils of wills made by me.
Item    I will that my body shall be decently buried in its mother earth.
Item    I will that all my just debts be paid out of my estate.
Item    I will to my beloved wife Mary Hoover, during her natural lifetime,
forty acres of the land on
which I now live including the improvements in the same.  Also a sufficient
years allowance for her maintenance.  Also one sorrel mare now owned by me,
her choice in two milk cows & calves, also
my Negro girl Susan during her natural life, also my Negro Caroline during
her natural life and after her death as I shall hereinafter direct or as
the law directs in said case.
Item    I heretofore devised to my sons Alfred and Thomas each a tract of
land giving them each stock of various kinds.  It is my will that the same
shall be their proportion of my estate.
Item   I will to my daughter Eliza Wilson after the death of my wife my
negro girl Susan.
Item   I will to my son David ten dollars.
Item   I will to my son Henry ten dollars.
Item   I will to my grandchildren - children of John and Jane Love, Henry,
Jane, Leander and James ten dollars.
Item   I will to my son Marquis de Lafayette 100 acres of land off my home
tract off of the upper end of the same including the present improvements
made by him, also the livestock in his possession.
Item   I will to my son Francis Marion 100 acres of land off my home tract
adjoining my son Marquis de Lafayette.
Item   I will to my son Washington the remaining portion of my home tract
of land and after the death of my wife the heretofore mentioned forty acres
of the same tract willed to her during her natural life.
Also, my sorrel horse named John.  Also a sow and pigs.
Item   I will the remaining portion of property be sold by my executor and
after paying all my just debts to be equally divided among all my children.
Item   Having full confidence in my friend & nephew Thos. H. Brem I hereby
constitute & appoint him my legal executor to execute this my last will &
testament to the full intent and meaning of the same.
March 4th 1850
Witness:  Jas. A. Cathey and Tom A. Cathey
Signed: Henry Hoover

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Last Will & Testament of Phillip Hoover
Mecklenburg County Will Book I, page 146
Written August 11, 1848
Probated in court January 1849.

I Phillip Hoover of the County of Mecklenburg and State of North Carolina being 
of sound mind and memory do make this my last will & Testament in manner as 
following, First, my will is that my body be decently interred and that all of 
my just Debts be paid.
Item  I will to my beloved wife Mary Hoover my negroes Anderson & Martha for her 
support during her natural life, also two [     ] and as many horses cattle and 
hogs as she may deem necessary for her comfortable support. I further will to 
her the plantation on which I now reside during her natural life also all of my 
household furniture.
Item  I will to my son Cyrus one hundred & ten acres of land off my Knox 
plantation so as to embrace the present improvements he has made and --t to 
--------- the remaining -------.
Item  I will to my son Logan one half of my home place after the death of my 
wife also one half of the balance of my Knox tract after Cyrus gets his first 
also my negro boy Ned.
Item  I will to my son Stanhope one half of my home place after the death of my 
wife also one half of the balance of my Knox tract of land after Cyrus gets his 
portion, also my negro boy [    ].
Item  I will to my friend L. A. Grier in trust my negro girl Lot & child + 
increase for the support of my daughter Catherine wife of J. W. Faris, and at 
sd Catherine's death to go to her children.  I will further that whereas J. W. 
Faires is indebted to me in settlement whatever that amount may be I will
to him.
Item  I will to my daughter Elmira wife of Pleasant Oliver during her natural 
life and at her death to the heirs of her body my negro woman Carey & boy 
Item  I will to my daughter Adaline my negro girl Jane.
Item  I will to my daughter Arabella my negro boy Alexander.
Item  I will to my daughter Mary Augustine my negro boy Anthony also one 
hundred dollars.
Item  I will to my son Thomas my negro woman Rachel.
Item  My will is that all the balance of my property be sold by my Executors 
on a credit of trust as months with Interest from date and equally divided among 
my surviving children.
And lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint my trusty friends Thomas Brem and 
Jonathan Reed my lawful Executors to all intents of  [      ] to execute this 
my last will and testament according to the true intent and meaning of the same 
hereby writing and declaring all other wills void.  In witness thereof I the 
said Phillip Hoover do hereunto set my hand and seal this 18th day of August AD
L. A. Grier
W. Harris
Signed: Phillip Hoover