Will of Tunis Hood, Sr., 1797, Mecklenburg CO. NC

Submitted by Cyrus J. Wilson, III  cjw3rd126@yahoo.com

Will of Tunis Hood, Sr.

In the Name of God, Amen.  I, Tunas Hood, of the County of Mecklenburg,
State of North Carolina, being in my ordinary health of body and of a
perfect mind and memory, thanks be to God for it, therefore, called to
mind the mortality of my body and knowing it is appointed for all men
once to die, I do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament.  And,
first of all, I give such unto the hands of Almighty God that gave it and
my body I recommend to the Earth to be buried in a church manner at the
discretion of my Executors, And as to touching my Worldly Estate wherein
it hath pleased God to bless me with in this life, I give and dispose of
the same in the following manner & form as follows:
First, I desire that all my lawful debts be paid out of One Hundred and
Forty pounds.  That I do not make use of in my lifetime, - I give and
bequeath to my four beloved sons, to-wit: John, Tunas, Solomon and Reuben
to be equally divided among them.
Item.  I give and bequeath unto Jane Hood my beloved wife, one Sorrell
mare & one Cow, the choice Cow of  my stock & Twenty Bushels of Indian
corn & Twenty Bushels of Wheat & further it is my Will and pleasure that
all the furniture that my wife Fane brought with her at our marriage
should be at her disposal.
Item.  I give and bequeath unto my beloved son Tunas one Negro girl known
by the name of Charlotte.
Item.  I give and bequeath to my beloved daughter Elizabeth living at or
near Fort Natches, one Negro girl known by the name of Prudence & I
desire her to be left in possession of my son Reuben & when the said
Negro girl comes to the age of fourteen years old then her to be
appraised by men & if my Daughter Elizabeth does not come nor none of her
heirs Sent by lawful authority for said Wench when she comes to the
aforesaid age, then my son Reuben shall have it to his choice whether to
give the Wench or to pay the appraisement.
Item. I give unto my beloved Daughter Rachel Shaffer one Negro girl known
by the name of Young Hagar.
Item.  I give and bequeath unto my beloved daughter Lydia McGinty one
Negro girl known by the name of Hannah.
Item.  I give and bequeath unto my beloved daughter Phebe Harrison one
Negro girl known by the name of Young Dinah.
Item.  I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary Neal one Negro girl
known by the name of Sarah.
Item.  I give and bequeath unto my beloved son Reuben one Negro boy
called Joseph and also all the plantation where I now do live with all
privileges or improvements whatsoever belonging to said tract of land, to
him and his heirs and assigns forever, and also my wagon and gears, and
to him also all my plantation tools of every kind, and also it is my Will
and pleasure that my three Negroes known by the names of Old Jacob & Old
Hager and Cliandy shall be sold among legatees and the money to be
equally divided amongst my wife Jane & my four Daughters Rachel, Lydia,
Phebe & Mary & further it is my Will and pleasure that all the remainder
of my movable property that is not before mentioned, Horses, Cows, Sheep
& Hogs & household furniture and other Negroes to be appraised and
equally divided between my wife Jane & my four Daughters viz: Rachel,
Phebe, Lydia & Mary.
And I do hereby constitute & appoint my son Reuben & Captain James Osborn
to be my Sole Executors of this my Last Will & Testament, Disannulling
all & every other former Will, Testaments & Legacies by me named, Willed
& bequeathed before, Ratifying and confirming this & no other to be my
Last Will & Testament.  It witness weherof I the said Tunas Hood has
hereunto set his hand & affixed his seal this 12th day of April, 1797.
Signed, sealed & delivered by the said
Tunas Hood to be his Last Will & Testament
in the presence of us who in his presence 
& in the prescence of each other have here-
unto set our names. 

(Signed) Tunas Hood  (Seal)

	/S/ Samuel Black
	/S/ William Quiery
	/S/  James Buchanan
Proved by Samuel Black, William Query and James Buchanan at the October
1797 term of the Mecklenburg County court.

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