Hipp Family Wills
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Last Will and Testament of Stephen Hipp, Sr.
Mecklenburg County Will Book C, page 140

In the name of God, Amen.  I Stephen Hipp of the State of No Carolina
& County of Mecklenburg being in good Health & sound mind & memory
blessed be God for all his mercies, and calling to mind the mortality of my
Body & that it is appointed once for all men to die, Do make this my
Last Will & Testament in manner & form following viz first of all
I recommend my body to the Earth from whence it was taken & my soul
to God who gave it me nothing doubting but I shall receive the
same again at the General Resurrection by the mighty power of my
Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ &   First I order that all my lawful
Debts be paid & fully discharged and I will & bequeath unto my well
beloved wife Ann & my well beloved son Andrew one hundred acres
of Land whereon I now live together with all my household furniture
and at the death of my well beloved wife Ann the said land & furniture
shall be the only sole property of my son Andrew Hipp.  I will and
bequeath unto my well beloved son Stephen Hipp the sum of five
shillings.  I will & bequeath unto my well beloved sons John, George,
Joseph & Jacob Hipp all the remaining part of my Land to be
Equally Divided between them at their discretion, that each of
my said sons John, George, Joseph & Jacob (at my death) shall
pay or cause to be paid unto my Well beloved son Valentine Hipp
the sum of Five pounds each - And for the true Execution of this
my Last Will & Testament I nominate & appoint my well beloved
Friends & neighbours George Elliot & John Long to be my Executors.
In Witness where of I have hereunto set my hand & affixed my seal
this 25th day of August & in the year of our Lord 1781.
Signed, Sealed, pronounced & declared
as my Last Will & Testament in
the presence of - - - - -
Richard Barry
Archibald Gordon
Andrew Barry                       Stephen Hipp {seal}

Probated during January 1782 session.

1787 April Session - Return of the Estate of Stephen Hipp
The executors of Stephen Hipp, deceased
To amount of sales of estate...................................L105.14.00
Cr by sundry payments as per vouchers filed........    24.09.06
Balance in executors hands................................... L 81.04.06

* * * * * * * * *

Last Will & Testament of Stephen Hipp, Jr.

In the name of God Amen I Stephen Hipp of the County of Meckenburgh being of 
sound and perfect mind and memory, blessed be God, do this 25 day of December 
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty six make and 
publish this my last will and testaments in manner following that is to say.
First I allow my body to be decently buried at the descretion of my Executor.
2.  I give and bequeath to my well beloved grandson John Johnston all my
mechanical Tools of every description.
I give and bequeath my bed and furniture to my beloved grandaughter Peggy R. 
Johnston whatever other property I may be possessed of at my death.  I allow 
to be put to sale immediate after my decease by my Executor to defray my 
funeral expenses and if any remainder I allow it to be equally divided between 
my two grandchildren John Johnston and Peggy  R. Johnston and I hereby make 
and ordain Thomas T. Johnson my executor of this my last will and testament.   
In Witness which I the said Stephen Hipp have to this my last will and 
testament set my hand and seal the day and year above written.

                                               Stephen Hipp

Signed sealed and published and declared by the said Stephen Hipp the Testator 
as his last will and testament in the presence  of us who were present at the 
time of signing and sealing there of.
Test; Hill Johnson.

Note: will submitted to the Court in February 1828 but it was not proven, 
possibly because of the low value of the estate.

* * * * * *  * * * *

Last Will & Testament of Larkin A. Hipp
Mecklenburg County Will Book M, page 462

Mecklenburg County = In the Superior Court
                         Before J M Morrow Clerk.

In the Matter of the Will of
L. A. Hipp deceased
                W E & John A Hipp being sworn do the each say: That L. A. Hipp 
late of said County is dead, having first made and published his last Will and 
Testament and that W E. Hipp and Jno A Hipp are the Executors name therein   
Further that the property of the said L. A. Hipp Consisting of Certain tracts  
of Land specified in the said Will and Certain persona; stock farming tools &
implements household & Kitchen Furniture & supplies which is worth about $300.00 
so far as can be ascertained at the date of this application and that Amelia 
Hipp Jno A Hipp & Jno A Hipp Trustee for Hettie Irena Hipp and Hettie Irena 
Hipp minor without Guardian & W E Hipp all living near Iago post office in said  
County of Mecklenburg are the parties entitled under said to the said property
Sworn and Subscribed before me} W E Hipp 
this 29th day May 1896                 }        L A Hipp

North Carolina
Mecklenburg County

        In the name of God Amen:
I L. A. Hipp being of sound mind but considering the uncertainty of my earthly 
existence, do make publish and declare this to be my last Will and Testament.
Item I   I Will and devise that all my past debts shall be paid out of the first 
money coming into the hands of My Executors hereinafter named.  That my body 
shall be given a decent burial, suitable to the wishes of my family, and that 
my Executors shall erect a monument to my memory.
Item II   That I will and bequeath and devise all my real and personal property 
of every class and kind and description to my wife Amelia Hipp for and during 
her natural life or widowhood and no longer.
Item III   That at the death of my wife or her marriage I will and devise all 
that tract or piece of Land adjoining the Lands of W. C. Dunn Jno W Henderson 
and others and Containing one hundred & seventy two acres and known as the 
"L A Hipp Home Place" and which he purchased from Ben Alexander and others and 
now containing as before mentioned one hundred  & seventy two acres to Jno A Hipp
and Jno A Hipp Trustee for Hettie Irena Hipp as tenants in Common and upon the 
following Conditions and trusts as follows to wit. One half of said Land 
including the house which the said Jno A Hipp now lives in and which he built 
to him and his heirs and assigns forever.  the other half of the said Land 
including the "home place' where the said L A Hipp now resides to Jno A Hipp 
and his heirs and assigns in trust = to hold the same for the sole use and 
benefit of Hettie Irena Hipp free from the Control of her husband if she marry 
for and during her natural life with no power of disposing of same and at her 
death to her heirs, but if she should die leaving no heirs or if her children
or heirs - that is lineal - descendants should die without leaving issue, then 
the said Land shall go to the heirs of L A Hipp.  It is expressly willed that 
Jno A  Hipp Trustee for Hettie Irena Hipp shall allow the said Hettie Irena 
Hipp to hold the actual possession of said Land if she so desires.  The said 
Land is to be divided by two persons, one chosen by Jno A Hipp and the other 
by Hettie Irena Hipp and the two to chose a surveyor and the division made by 
them to be binding between the parties.
Item IV   That at the death of my wife or her marriage, I will and devise all 
that tract or piece of Land adjoining the Lands of Henry Grass, Caps Mine, and 
others, and known as the "Frazier Place" and where W E Hipp now resides, to 
W E Hipp and his heirs and assigns forever.
Item V   That at the death of my wife or her marriage I Will and devise all 
my right little and interest in and to those following tracts to wit:= That 
tract known as the "Rhyne Place" adjoining the widow Thompson Jno M Hipp and 
others containing twenty nine acres and that tract known as the "Price Place" 
adjoining the lands of Herry Grass W C Dunn and others Containing forty Acres 
to Larkin A Hipp to him and his heirs and  assigns forever.
Item VI   That at the death of my wife or her marriage I will and devise all 
my right little and interest in and to that House and lot in Seversville NC 
adjoining the lots of Jim Sims & others and known as the "Messer Place" to 
Hettie Irena Hipp and her heirs and assigns forever.  It is my express wish 
and desire that my wife during her life will allow the Land to remain  among 
my Children and my grandson Larkin A Hipp as I now am doing, and only call on 
them for a reasonable share of her support and mantaniance. [sic]
Item VII   I will and devise that my personal property at the death of my 
wife or her marriage - she during her life or widowhood - to have the use 
and benefit of same: to go to my heirs share and share alike to them their 
executors or Administrators.
Item VIII   I will that W E Hipp and Jno A Hipp be the Executors of this my 
last Will and Testament
signed sealed published and            }
declared to be my last Will and        }   L A Hipp
Testament in our presence and in the   }
presence of L A Hipp whot at his       }
request signed the same as Witness     }
thereto                                }
        Geo E. Wilson                  }
        Herriot Clarkson               }

North Carolina      }
Mecklenburg County  }   In the Superior Court

A paper purporting to be the last Will and Testament of L A Hipp deceased 
is exhibited before me the undersigned Clerk Superior Court for said County by 
W E Hipp and Jno A Hipp, the Executors therein mentioned and the due executors 
thereof by the said L A Hipp proved by the Oath and examination of Geo E. 
Wilson and Herriot Clarkson the Subscribed witnesses there to. who being duly 
sworn doth depose and say and each for himself deposeth and saith that he is a
subscribing witness to the paper writing now shown him & purporting to be the 
last will and testament of L. A. Hipp deceased, that the said L A Hipp in the 
presence of the deponents subscribed his name at the end of said paper writing 
which is now shown as aforesaid and which bears date [      ] day of [       ] 
And the deponent further saith That the said L A Hipp the testator aforesaid 
did at the time of subscribing his name as aforesaid declare the said paper 
writing so subscribed by him and exhibited to be his last will and testament.  
and the deponent did thereupon subscribe his name at the end of said Will as 
an attesting witness thereto, and at the request and in the presence of the 
said testator And this deponent further saith that at the said time when the 
said testator subscribed his name to the said last will as aforesaid, and at 
the time of the deponent subscribing his name as attesting witness thereto as 
aforesaid the said L A Hipp was sound of mind and memory, of full age to 
execute a Will and was not under any  restraint to the knowledge, information 
or belief  of the deponent; and further the deponents say not:
Severally sworn and subscribed this          Geo E. Wilson   seal
29 day May 1896 before me  }                 Herriot Clarkson   seal
J M Morrow                 }
Clerk Superior Court       }  Order
North Carolina             }  Upon the foregoing proof It is
Mecklenburg County         }  adjudged by the Court that the attached paper 
writing and every part thereof is the last will and Testament of L A Hipp 
deceased.  Let the said Will the application the proof and this order be 
recorded and  filed this 29 day May 1896
      J M Morrow
                                 Clerk Superior Court