Will filed on the North Carolina Archives, Raleigh, NC (Mecklinburg Co.)

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Yvonne James-Henderson

In the names of God Amen. I, William Henderson, Being Weake in Body But
perfect mind and understanding Do make this to be MY last Will and
Testament. I do Leve My Spirit to god that give it and My body to be
Decently berid (buried) at the disposal of my Exects and as for My
Worldy Effect and the Remendr as follows

towit I leve my loving wife all my plantation tools and the thurd of all 
of my Moveable goods and hur own Saddle and Spinning Wheel.
Item I leve to my Suns and Daughter Namly, John, Joseph, William,
Ellender(Alexander)and Jean Henderson and My Child Now in the Womb
to my six Children above mencened I leve all my Lands goods and Chattl 
that is Not Mencened Before to any other person. Only my wife Shall have 
the Benefits of all my Land So long as she Remeans My Widow and at her 
Deth or Merrage the Land will Be Sold By My Executors and Each one to 
have an Equal part. I do Constitut and Apoint My Brother By Law Francis 
Johnston and my Wife Agness Henderson to By My Exceutord of this My Last 
Will and Testament and do difend all other Wills and testements mad by me 
to Disspos of My Estet and do constitut this Will Above write to By Last 
Will and Testiment given under my hand and Seal thiseight day of October 
in the yeat of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy seven in 
presens of us.

John Black  Jurat.                 (Signed) William Henderson (seal)
John Harris
William Irwin

The inventory of this estate was sold and distributed and recorded
in Jan. 1778 by Frances (Francis) Johnston. "An inventory and account of 
the estate of William Henderson, deceased."

There were no Hendersons that bought items from the estate. Some of the
Johnstons however, did purchase some of the items.

It is unknown where William Henderson was buried, but most likely
in the nearest Presbyterian church which he may have attended.
There were at least two churches nearby. His land was loccated on the
north fork of McAlpin's creek in southwest Mecklinburg Co., NC