Mecklenburg COUNTY, NC - WILLS - Sarah Haynes, 17 Apr 1839
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Will of Sarah Haynes - Mecklenburg County, NC Will Book E p 225

In the name of God Amen 
I Sarah Haynes of County of Mecklenburg & State of North Carolina being of 
sound and perfect mind and memory (blessed be God) do this 17th day April 1839 
Make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner following that is 
to say -
First I Give & bequeath to my Son David C. Haynes Sixty Acres of Land 
including the Improvements he has made and now lives To him and his Heirs 
forever The Said David C. Haynes not to have any part of the Sale money of the 
other part of the Plantation  & My Will is that the balance of my Land after 
taking out the above bequeathment be sold as directed heretofor by My Husband
I hereby Make and Ordain my Son David C. Haynes and Son in law William Cook 
Executors of this my last Will and Testament & set my hand and Seal the say 
and Year above written
               Sarah Haynes (Seal)
Signd Seald in preasence of us the under signed Witnesses
Andrw Grier jt
Wm Boyles jt