Will: Margaret Harris, 1789, Mecklenburg Co., NC

Submitted by: Sarah Sharpless

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Mecklenburg Co., NC, Will Book D, p. 49

I Margret Harris being very sick but of perfect mind and memory do make
this my last will and Testament

Imprimis I order my just debts to be paid. I bequath to my son Robert
Harris [blot] one [illegible] bed and blankets and quilt and three yards of
thick cloth and one [illegible] [illegible] and one shirt cloth and the
large pot and the firing pann and three yards [lincey ?] also what money
his due me. I also my [illegible] to sell my cows one calf excpted and the
money arising from said seal after paying my funeral expences to be equaly
divided between by daughter Marys children. I bequath to my daughter Mary
my own [illegible] and all my wearing apperal and two yards linen [?] and
what linnen [illegible] and four yard of linnen. I bequath to my son __ham
[can't make out first two or three letters -- this may be William] five
shillings. I bequath to my grand son William son to my son William twenty
shillings which is in his fathers hadns. I bequeth to my grand son Robt.
son to my son [William ?] three pounds ten shillings which is in his
fathers hand only the above five shilli!
ngs excepted. I bequath to my grand daughter margret Ferguson one feather
bed and [bed ?] clothes beloning to said bed and wheal and [reel ?] and
large [putter ?] [braison ?] [smouthing ?] iron and looking glass. I
bequeth what money is due me by [page torn] [four words illegilble due to
tears and creases] divided between my daughter Marys children also the bigg
wheel to Marys daughter Margaret. I bequeth one pound ten shillings in
silver which is in the hands of my son Robert to buy [illegible] to Marys
three oldest sons also the above excepted calf [blot] give to my grand son
Robt Ferguson. I ordain and appoint my sons Robert Harris and William
Harris executors of this my last will and testament. In witness where of I
have here unto set my hand seal this 11th day of June 1789.

The above being read to the Testator before signing and sealing {seal}

I bequeath to my son William Harris one [chaff ?] bed & blanket and one
shirt also the [illegible] [illegible] to Samuel Ferguson --- and the three
[illegible] [illegible] [illegible] to Marys children.

Margret (her M mark) Harris {seal}

Signed sealed in the presence of us
William harris
John Harris
Robt Harris [jurat ?]