Will of Col. Thomas I. Grier, 1872, Mecklenburg Co. NC From: J & S Matthews <jelms@vnet.net> WILL OF THOMAS I. GRIER Mecklenburg County North Carolina 1872 1. I Tho. J. Grier of the County of Mecklenburg and State of North Carolina do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner following viz. I will that all my just debts be paid out of my Estate by my Executors 2. I will to my beloved wife M.D. Grier one thousand dollars agreeable to a contract entered into between her and myself Previous to our marriage to be paid to her by my Ex. as soon as it can be made available out of my Estate. I also will to her a small table I gave her to hold her sewing machine and all the bedding and bed clothes she has made since our marriage. I also will her the choice of my milch cows. I also will her a comfortable support out of my estate from the time of my death to the end of another year when such event may take place so that she may not be destitute until she can have a support out of her own estate. 3. I confirm to each of any children all the property I have heretofore given them or what money I have advanced to them for their benefit. 4. I will to my son Charles L. Grier two thousand five hundred dollares to be held by my son James A. Grier as his. (Charles L. Grier) guardian for his sole use and benefit during his life and at his death to be equally divided between my sons James A. Grier and my son E.C. Grier. It is my special request that James A. take his Brother Charles L. Grier into his family and keep him during his life. As regards to the property from Tho P. Grier to me by will which amounted to over eight thousand but in consequence of the war and the disasters that followed it has nearly all become useless by being invested in Confederate Bonds and the insolvency of a great many debtors to the estate. There is scarcely anything left of it but the storehouse and lot. I have already given to my Daughter Mary I. Ross in 1863 about twenty seven hundred dollars out of this said Tho P. Grier Estate which will more fully appear by re__ing to Ross filled - in consequence of the disasters before alluded it is not in my power to partition out the Estate as fully as requested by my son Tho P. Grier but I will as far as I can. I will to my daughter Mary J. Ross in trust for her children the store house and lot whereon John Gullants now resides which together with the improvements I put on it I think is worth near two thousand dollars to be divided between her children as follows viz, to Tho P. Ross her son eight hundred dollars, to her daughter Alice Ross two hundred dollars, to her daughter Mary Ross two hundred dollars, to her son James Ross two hundred dollars, to her son Charles E. Ross two hundred dollars. I will to my grand Daughter Melvina Elms one hundred dollars I have heretofore paid her one hundred dollars and have some notes she paid out which notes I don't hold her liable to pay to my Ex. I will to my grand Daughter Fanny B. Grier one hundred dollars I have already sent her to school and other expenses amounting to over one hundred dollars. I will to my grandson John L. Grier and Tho. Grier two hundred dollars each. Lastly, I will to my Daughter Mary J. Ross the balance of my estate after the foregoing legees are paid off - to be divided among her children as she may think best. It is further my will that my Exr. sell on a credit of twelve months all my estate both real and personal to enable him carry out this my last will and testament. Lastly I hereby appoint my Nephew Alex. G. Neel - the sole Exr. of this my Last will and Testament-- Signed and sealed in Presence of us the ______? witnesses. [None signed before his death on 10 April 1872] April 6, 1872 Note: Col. Thomas I or J Grier was the son of of Thomas Greer and Hannah Alexander Greer. He is buried at Steele Creek Presbyterian Church in Mecklenburg County. Obituary from the Charlotte Democrat, April 16, 1872: DIED In this county, in Steel Creek, suddenly on the evening of the 10th inst., Col. Thomas I. Grier, aged 88 years. Col. Grier was a native of Mecklenburg, and during his life filled many positions of honor and trust, in all of which he discharged his duty faithfully and promptly. ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. 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