Will of Thomas Greer, Sr.
Mecklenburg County
North Carolina
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Will of Thomas Greer, Sr.
Mecklenburg County
North Carolina
In the Name of God Amen I Thomas Greer of the County of Mecklenburg
and State of North Carolina being of sound and disposing mind and
memory do make and ordain my last will and testament in manner and
form following viz. First I will and direct that all my just debts be
paid. To my beloved wife Susanna Greer I will the management of the
place I now live on (with the assistance of my Executors and Guardians
therein after to be named.) for the support of her and the family and
if that should not be sufficient let whatever additional support may
be necessary be taken off the whole herd or stock to keep school and
cloth them in a suitable manner until they are of age or until my said
wife Susanna marries.  Should that event take place I will and direct
that an equal division take place between her and her two daughters
Catharine and Susan of all my cupboard dishes and kitchen furniture
and looking glass to share and share alike between them. I further
will to my wife her chest, chest of drawers, bed, a horse saddle and
bridle worth one hundred dollars; likewise my Negro Ben, Rhody,
Silvey, Julie, Esther, and Eliza, and said Negroes at her death to be
disposed of among our children as she may think proper and all the
other property that I have above willed her or may hereafter will to
this to dispose of my her in like manner as the foregoing -- And I
further will and direct that much as my said wife Susanna and my
Executors and Guardians shall deem necessary of my stock of every kind
properties remaining and plantation tools, and everything necessary
for the management of the farm and the convenience of my family that
may be on hand at the time of my death to be retained and kept for the
use of said family during the widowhood of my said wife Susanna or
until she marries.

To my daughter Margaret Neele I will and bequest to her the three
Negroes I gave to her when she married, also Negro woman Ross which I
lately give to her, also a note that I hold on her husband Samuel
Neele worth at this time $145.60 cents, also all other property of
whatsoever kind I have given to her heretofore.

To my son James Greer I will and bequeath that place he lives on that
I paid for and a Negro man Jack and Negro woman Sally that he mostly
worked for and any other property that I have given to him heretofore.

To my son Thomas I Grier all that tract of land he lives on following
the old marked lines made for it except so much thereof as was taken
out of it by Porters Claim also Negro man Jack and whatever else I
have given to him heretofore.

To my son Alexander Greer I will and bequeath as much land in Wilsons
or Alexanders District agreeable to an article entered into between
myself and the P Alexander Greer dated September 1821 and Negro man
Solomon and Negro woman Jean, also two hundred and fifty acre tract of
land in Perry County and whatever other property I have given to him

To my son Andrew Greer I will and bequeath all that tract of land on
Paw Creek that he now lives on and Negroes Stephen and Bill and all
other property that I have heretofore given him.

To my son William M. Greer I will and bequeath to him the parcel of
land whereon Alex. Hamilton lives near ____ Ford consisting of several
purchases, also that tract of land I purchased of my nephew Robert
Bingham, also a small piece of land 18 or 20 acres converging on the
Rocky Branch and generally known by John Porters entry and my other
parcels from John Potters adjoining Grier Price and others, also my
Negroes Sandra and Jean, also four hundred dollars in cash to assist
him in raising a house and other expenses in making a settlement, one
bed and furniture, a horse saddle and bridle.

To my son Zenas Greer I will and bequeath the place or plantation I
now live on subject to the encumbrance of the family as heretofore
stated that is while they remain single, also the McMickin Tract and
the tract I purchased of Haris, also my Negroes Frank, Leah, and
Minda.  One bed and furniture, horse saddle and bridle and two hundred
dollars in cash.

To my Daughter Catharine M.S. Greer, I will and bequeath my Negroes
Phillis, James, Adam, Bob, Lilly, Rachel, and Albert, also one bed and
furniture, one bureau, one table, one horse saddle and bridle.  I wish
her to be clothed and taken good care of and to be under the love and
management of her mother, my exrs and guardians, who are to manage her
property for her sole use and benefit during her lifetime, and any
disposition of her property must be agreed to by all parties in

I give to my dau Susannah Greer the negroes Reuben, Polly, Nelson,
George, Edmond, and Cleary, a bed and furniture, a horse with saddle
and bridle, a bureau, a table, and $200 in cash to furnish her with
such other articles as she may need. I give $10 to each of the
children of relatives or acquaintances named after me.  If any of the
above willed Negroes are not passed over to the legatees named herein
during my lifetime and die before such transfer, it is my will that
they be replaced out of my estate before the general distribution
takes place.

I give to my wf Susannah and to each of my children a Bible and a copy
of the Westminister Confession of Faith, and the remainder of my books
are to be divided into ten lots with one lot given to each.  I give to
each subscriber in the Apostolic Congregation of Steele Creek, of
which I am a member, a pocket Bible and a copy of Acts and Testimony.
It is my will that while my family remains together, my subscription
to the salary fund of that congregation is to remain in effect.  It is
also my will that as much of my unwilled property as necessary may be
used for the comfortable and decent maintenance of my family, that
when it ceases to be a family that the old slaves such as Old Willis,
Peggy and Ned remain under the care of my wife.