Mecklenburg COUNTY, NC - WILLS - John Gingles, 25 Jun 1829

I, John Gingles of said County, remembering that all men must die and being of 
(sound) mind and memory think proper to make this my Last Will and Testament 
principally and first I recommend my soul to God and my body to the earth to 
be buried in a decent manner and as touching my worly substance I divide in 
the following maner, my lawful debts to be paid. Second I will to my wife 
Emelia one hundred acres of the plantation I now live on on the East side of 
the creek beginning on my White Oak corner on herrisons line crossing the 
creak to over three acres of meadow on the North West side. Encluding my 
dwelling house barn and orchard and spring. I also will my wife my rite and 
title to a negrou woman Jude left her by Thomas Davis last will. I also will 
her all the bedding and furniture she brought with her when we were married 
together with a horse as good as hounet was and then her sadle and bridle, two 
cows and calves. I also will her my negrou boy peter all to be at her own 
desposal during her natural life or widowhood the land an negrou boy excepted 
as I will hereinafter mention.
Viz, 3rd it is my will that all the land and property of every knid be sold 
except what land I will in either enstrument or writing and the money arising 
therefrom to be divided in the following manner. Viz 4th I will one hundred 
acres of my home plantation to William L. Gingles to be and in order to make 
him eaqual with my other sons it is my will (squeezed in between the previous 
two lines-"on the north side of the creek")that my piney woods lands be sold 
to the highest bidder. 5th it is my will that all the receipts that I am in 
possession of for property delivered to my heirs shall be counted and settled 
in their respective shares and those that have receipted will make a just 
return in order for a fair settlement, remembering Marey Park or Bank? To have 
fifty dollars more than any of my other daughters and further it is my will 
that my two youngest daughters are made eaqual with their sisters viz Linny 
and Harriet (P. Gingles?) 6th I will to my two step daughters Marey _____ and 
Johana C. Davis ten dollars each at their coming of age further it is my will 
that my two sons James and Charles be made aqual with my other sons and I 
allow them and each of the 3 them to have one hundred dollars worth more than 
their sisters five in number?? 7th it is alsow my will that the land willed to 
my wife and the negrou boy peter be eaqually divided among my sirviving heirs 
at her death or marriage which shall first happen.
8th it is my will what ever cash of cash notes or debts that may be on hand at 
my death will be eaqually divided except the cubboard and c_____ furniture 
which to be divided in three eaqual parts and my wife ____ to have the one 
third part together with one sette of c______ and one third part of Citchen 
furniture and _______ together with one _____ plow one _______ plow one _____ 
and two _______. Lastly it is my will that my two sons Samuel Gingles and 
James Gingles be my lawful executors of this my Last Will and testament making 
void all others in my name or done by me.

						John Gingles


State of North Carolina, Mecklenburg Cty. Sept 27th 1830.  This day, I John 
Gingles of sound mind and memory add as follows by way of codicil to the above 
last will and testament viz.
1st I will and devise a years provisions be paid off for my _______beloved 
wife Amelia and family. Also that sale __ property ___________ at her 
___________________________ and at her disposal _____________________ house 
and _____ of her daughters - also that upon my ______ that fifty dollars be 
paid _____ to her of the cash on hand.
Second I will and bequeath to my son John Gingles in fee simple the tract of 
land on which he now lives and release him from the payments of the one 
hundred dollars like its agreed upon.
Signed and Sealed the day and year above.

Witnesses signatures are not readable.  One may be John Wilson.

Proven August term 1831.

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