Mecklenburg County, NC - Will of Henry Furr, 1769

Will of Henry Furr of Mecklenburg County 
Will of Henry Forror (Furrer) Mecklenburg County, North Carolina 
Book C, Page 57 
In the Name of God amen. September twenty-seven one thousand seven 
hundred and sixty-nine. I, Henry Forror, being sick and weak in body 
but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given unto god therefore 
calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is 
appointed for all people once to die do make and ordain this my last 
will and testament that is to say principally and first of all, I give 
and recommend my soul unto the hands of almighty God that gave it and 
my body I recommend to the earth to be buried in a decent Christian 
burial nothing doubting but at the general Resurrection I shall receive 
the same again by the mighty power of God. And as touching such worldly 
estate wherewith it has pleased God bless me in this life I give devise 
and dispose of the same in the following manner and form. First of all 
my debts to be paid. 
Item. I give devise and bequeth unto my eldest and loveing son John 
Forror the land together with the improvements whereon I now live only 
that I first order the plantation to be valued by three freeholders and 
the valuation to be devided eaqually among each and every of my 
childering and after he the said John Forror have his share of the 
valuation allowed to him he is to pay to the rest of my childering 
their shares of the valuation as they come of ages. 
Item. I give devise and bequeth unto my second and loveing son Paul 
Forror . . . lying between my lands and Paul Berring . . . . I first 
order that the land be valued by three freeholders and the valuation to 
devided eaqually among each and every of my childering and after the 
said Paul Forror having his share of the valuation allowed to him he is 
to pay the rest of my childering their shares of the valuation as they 
come of ages. 
Item. I give and bequeth unto my loveing wife the third part of my 
personal estate only that I order that all my goods and chattels be 
sold at public auction and eaqually devided among each and every of my 
childering after my wife has her third. 
In testament where of I the testator Henry Forrer have hereunto set my 
hand and seal of and for my last will and testament and I do here by 
nominate and appoint my loveing wife Rossena Roffor and my trusty 
friend Valentine Weaver the sole executors of this my last will and 
testament the day and year above written. 
Heinrich Furrer 
Signed sealed and published by the testator as and for his last will 
and testament. In the presence of us who subscribed as witnesses 
John Phifer 
Paul Barringer 
Valentine Weaver 
On the back of this original will in John Phifer's handwriting is a 
curious entry that appears to be an afterthought of the will:    
Be it known unto all men by these present that I Henry Forror of 
Mecklenburg County and Province of North Carolina having made this my 
last will and testament in writing bearing date the twenty second of 
September one thousand seven hundred and sixty nine I the said Henry 
Forror do by these presents contained in this codicil confirm and 
declare this my last will and testament and do give and bequeth unto my 
loveing wife Rossena Forror one Negro man named Peter and a Negro woman 
named Dina during all the time she does remain a widow or keep single 
and in case she should get married . . . by such sale is to be devided 
eaqually among all of my childering and she is likewise to have her 
third of the same and my will and meaning is that this codicil or 
schedule be part and parcel of my last will and testament and that all 
things therein contained and mentioned by faithfully performed in as 
full and ample a manner in every respect as if the same were so 
declared and set down in my said will in witness there of I the said 
Henry Forror have hereunto set my hand and seal the twenty sixth day of 
September one thousand seven hundred and sixty nine. 
Heinrich Forror 
John Phifer 
Paul Barringer 
Valentine Weaver


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