MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC - WILLS - Samuel Farr Will - 1844

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This file was contributed for use in the USGenWe3b Archives by:
Cindy McCahern

Samuel Farr Will

In the name of God Amen. I Samuel Farr being in feeble health but of sound
mind, memory and calling to mind the mortality of my body do make and
ordain this my last will and testament the twenty ninth day of March in the
year of our Lord One Thousand eight hundred and forty four. 

Item. 1. I ordain that my two sons W. F. and Hugh S. Pharr each have and
hold their plantations on which they reside or conveyed to them by one
together with any and all the property they have received from me.

Item. 2. I will and bequeath to my daughter Catharine and her children
the plantation on which she now lives on the north side of Coddle (?) Creek
containing three lots of the plantation known as the Callens plantation
together with the negro woman Lan (?) with her children and the negro boy

Item. 3. I will and bequeath to my son Saml. the plantation on which I
now lives with thirty nine acres. I bought of Moses Alexander plantation
and the following negroes (viz) old Abram, young Abram, Richard, John,
Jack, Bruce, and Farr (?) and also four head of horses his choice of my
stock of horses together with my smith tools, waggon, and all of my
livestock of cattle, hogs, sheep, and farming tools. I ordain that my son
Saml. in consideration of the fingoin's (?) pay all my past debts. 

Item 4th. I ordain that whatever horses may be left after the 3rd item is
filled shall be equally divided between my two sons W. F. and H. S. Pharr
and my daughter Catherine Nicholson.

Item 5th. I will and bequeath to my deceased daughter Sarah Roger's
children the Angin (?) Smith Plantation in Mecklenburg. I ordain that
negro woman Dinah with whatever children she may have till 1850 (the boy
Caleb ___) be sold in that year and the proceeds of the sale to be equally
divided between my daughter Sarah Rogers children as they come of age but
not ___ interest on the ___. 

Item 6th. I will and bequeath to my two grand daughters (viz. the eldest
daughter of W. F. Pharr and the eldest daughter of my son Hugh S. Pharr)
the negro girl Liz for them to have and hold in equal interest in her. 

Item. I will and bequeath to my grand son John C. McCachran a tract of
land containing twenty nine acres more or less known as the Dixon trace
joining. S Erwin ____.

Item 7th. I ordain that my son Saml. Pharr in consideration of what he is
allowed in the 3rd item of this will pay to my two grand children Elizabeth
McEachran and John C. McEachran the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars
each as they come of age and in case one should die not being of age the
other to inherit.

Item 8th. I further ordain that if my son Samuel Pharr should die not
leaving a lawful heir of his body to inherit what I have bequeathed him in
the 3rd item in that case I ordain that the sums which I have bequeathed to
him shall be equally divided between my two sons W. F. and Hugh S. Pharr
and the other property to be divided between W. F. and Hugh S. Pharr,
Catharine Nicholson my (dec'd) daughter , Sarah Rogers and Jane McEachran's
children share and share alike the children of each (dec'd) daughter having
or drawing a share. 

Item 9. I ordain that the 8th item shall not be so construed as to prevent
my son Saml. Pharr from conveying any or all of the property (which I will
him in this will) in all or otherwise if he may see proper to do so. 

Item 10. I do hereby appoint my son Saml. Phar the true and lawful
executor of this my last will and testament. I say let it be done as
herein directed. In testimony whereof I set my hand and affix my seal to
this my last will and testament the day and date above written in the
presence of the following witnesses.

Samuel Pharr

Abijah F. Alexander
John Smith