MECKLENBERG COUNTY, NC - WILLS - Jane Emerson, 5 Aug 1831 -------- State of N Carolina Mecklenburg County I Jane Emmerson being weak and low but of perfect mind and memory do hereby make this my last will and testement in manner following- I will to my Daughter Mary Williams one Hundred and Twenty acres of land where on she now lives during her natural lifetime and at her death to be sold and equally divided between her children. I also will to her two negro boys George the Shoemaker and Jack to be hired out for her use during her lifetime and at her death to be sold and equally divided between her children and I also will to my daughter Mary Williams five Hundred dollars in cash I also will to my granddaugter Lane (Jane?) McComb one feather bed and furniture one dozen silver tea spoons and one soup spoon I also will to my granddaughter Lane (Jane?) Williams one featherbed and furniture and one soup spoon and one dozen silver tea spoons I also will to my dear deceased son James McCombs child one Hundred dollars I also will to my grandson Benjamin Franklin Davidson one Hundred dollars and the balance of my Estate to be sold and equally divided between my three sons-William, Samuel and Robert and my grandson James F. (S.?) Davidison. and I hereby constitute and appoint William Davidison Samuel McComb and Robt McComb Executors of this my Last will and Testement In ___________ whereof I have here unto let my hand and Seal this 5th day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight Hundred and Thirtyone Geo Hampton Jane emerson (seal) Cornelia Hampton ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Jan (Emerson) McGovern Emmerson/Emerson, Norton, Potts looking for parents of Robert Emerson b.1802-1805 ___________________________________________________________________