Mecklenburg County NcArchives Wills.....Eakman, Jack - September 2, 1775
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Lynn Beatty January 21, 2007, 9:58 am

Source: Josiah V. Thompson Journals
Written: September 2, 1775

In the Apr 1930 "Minute Man" of S.A.R. page 501 2 No 488 3 "Eakman   Jack" 
W.B.R. asks for information about Joseph Eakman who died intestate in 
Kiskimintas Tp Westmoreland Co Pa in 1854 or 1855 possibly 1834 or 1835.  His 
wife was Deborah & he had 7 sons & 3 daughters.  One son, Richard married 
Martha Jack daughter of John of James of William Jack & lived in Allegheny Tp, 
Armstrong Co, Pa.  He asks for Rev Service of William Jack or his son James 
whose wife was Mattie Morrison W.B.R. is William Blose Reed 6700 Conn Av Chevy 
Chase, Md.

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