Mecklenburg COUNTY, NC - WILLS - John Dow, 8 Apr 1828
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WILL Book B p 1 Mecklenburg Co., N.C.

      8 Apr 1828, prb in May 1828 Ct. John Dow. Being weak in body, I will to 
my wf Susannah Dow all the cultivated land known as Perry Bottom on the river 
and all meadow land joining sd bottom, sufficient woodland adj to support sd 
cleared land with timber, the two-storey house and stables by the road, the 
cleared land south of the Great Road, and three acres out of the orchard. I 
also will to my wf the negroes Rufus and his wf Rachel and the woman Lydia 
with her further increase. At the death of my wf the negroes and their 
increase are to be sold and the proceeds divided equally among my surving 
legatees, and the land and houses I leave to my son William Dow. I further 
leave to my wf the kitchen furniture and sideboard, two beds and furniture, a 
dining table and chairs, two mares, two cows, two plows and gear, provisions 
for a year, 12 hogs, two old wagons and the new wagon and iron purchased for 
it, and the mahogany clock. At her death these things are also to be sold and 
the proceeds divided among my surving legatees.
       I give to my dau Margaret Norment a cow; to my dau Elizabeth McLeary 
250 A of land on the south side of Long Cr known as the Barnett land, now run 
and planted in the name of [ her husband  ?] Wm. Mcleary, and five negroes - 
Judy and her three children, Dinah, Aleck, and Na-than, and the girl Leah. I 
also give to my dau Elizabeth the new clock and case, a horse, and two sows 
and pigs. I give to my dau Susannah Baker a cow and calf, and two sows and 
       I give to my son William Dow the 500-acre plantation I now live on adj 
the river [Catawba ?], William Scott, William McCormick, the creek, and 
Hudson, and crossed by the Great Road. Part of this tract was left in the 
hands of my wf for her natural life, and should my wf and son William disagree 
or should he treat her amiss he is to remove hinself to the other house near 
the river and leave her unmolested until her demise, at which time the total 
tract and houses are to become his. I also give to my son William the negroes 
Abram, Wallis, and the child Moses, two horses and a colt, and all my 
livestock on both of my plantations except that which I specifically bequeath 
to others.
      I give to my grandson James M. McLeary the 300-acre tract of land which 
includes the grist and sawmill on Long Cr adj William McLeary, Henderson, 
Ramsey, Anderson Beaty, Sample Alexander, and Robert Davidson, but during the 
natural life of my wf she is to receive the profits from sd land and mills.
      I give to my dau Amelia Lawing the 384-acre tract adj Robert Davidson, 
W. O. Davis, Abram Scott, the river [Catawba ?], Wm Dow, and the Great Road, 
the negroes Cato and Nicey, a bed and furniture, a cow and a calf, and two 
      I give to my grandson Charles T. Norment the balance of the Henderson 
place being the part not willed to my grandson Jas. M. McLeary, and until 
Charles comes of age the land is to be under the control of my wf or her exr. 
The balance of the Love place,together with all unwilled property, is to be 
sold to pay my debts, and any residue is to be equally divided among my 
surviving legatees. My library is to remain with my wf to dispose of as she 
sees fit. My silver watch I leave to my son-in-law William McLeary. Exrs: Jos. 
and John Blackwood and Wm. H. McLeary. Wit: Thomas T. Johnston, Sample 
Alexander, and Isaac Thompson. Isaac Alexander, CMC.