MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC - WILLS AND ESTATES - William and Sarah Dillard Estate Settlement ---------------------------- Transcription of Settlement of Estate of William and Sarah Dillard, deceased. From Estate of William and Sarah Dillard, Mecklenburg County Records, NC State Archives. Catalogued in NC Archives under CR 065.508, Box 70. Transcribed by Milford K. Kirby on February 18, 2005. Transcribed document is within quotation marks. [Material in brackets was added by transcriber.] "Final Settlement of William & Sarah Dillard's Estate; May Term 1811 We the undernamed Justices being a Committee of Court to Settle the Estate of William and Sarah Dillard Deceased with Robert Bell Administrator do find Vouchers as follows No. 1 Letters of administration $ 1.20 2 Clerk's Certificate 0.25 3. Alexander Scot's proven account 11.95 4. John Drury's proven account 25.50 5. William Dillard's proven account 39.00 6. Thomas Greer Junior proven account 3.20 7. William Beaty Sheriff taxes 1.83 8. Benjamin Parsons proven account 8.20 9. Sally Blankenship's proven account 2.00 10. William Davis note 49.27 1/2 11. Deceased William McLean's proven account 32.25 12. Bartlett Meacham's proven account 9.20 13. Barlett Meacham note 28.64 14. Alsey Fuller proven account 35.81 15. George Pettus proven account 13.50 16. James Dinkins certificate 12.60 17. William Beaty Sheriff taxes 1.47 18. John Springs account 6.07 19. John Harris proven account 4.25 20. Carpenter Sam for making a coffin [$4] and James Mason for crying the Vendue [sale] 9.00 21. Commissions for Settling the estates of Dec'd 60.00 22. Alsey Fullers Receipt 1.00 23. Matthew Marables Receipt 1.56 24. Robert Bell's Deposition 42.00 Total Amount [Fees, taxes, debt, expenses] 400.75 1/2 25. James Richardson's Receipt [for 1/4 of estate] 375.97 26. William Dillard's Receipt [for 1/4 of estate] 375.97 27. Alsey Fuller's Receipt [for 1/4 of estate] 375.97 Robert Bell's part of the Estate as Legatee 375.97 [Sum of costs and distributions} $1904.63 1/2 [Summary] The Amount of the Estate $1904.64 1/2 Credit to Administrator as to vouchers $400.75 1/2 William Dillard's part of Legacy $375.97 James Richardson Do $375.97 Alsey Fullers Do $375.97 Robert Bells Do $375.97 [Total vouchers and shares] $1904.63 1/2 We certify that Robert Bell Administrator settled up the whole amount of the Estates of William and Sarah Dillard Deceased August 7, 1810. William Greer, JP James Smartt. JP James Hartt, JP " Contribtor's Note: Robert Bell married a Dolly Dilyard [obviously Dolly Dillard] in Mecklenburg County on April 26, 1808. Bondsman Jacob Julien. Isaac Alexander witness. Source: Brent H. Holcomb, Compiler: Marriages of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina 1783-1868, Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1981, at page 16. This explains his one-fourth share of the Dillard Estate above. Alsey Fuller's one-fourth share in the above estate can only be explained by his marriage to Sarah Dillard. Sarah Fuller and Alsey Fuller are buried at Flint Hill Baptist Church Cemetery in Fort Mill, SC. Alsey Fuller died August 11, 1843, in the 66th year of his age. Sarah Fuller died December 29, 1845 in the 63rd year of her age. By elimination, James Richardson's one-fourth share of the above estate is likely explained by a marriage to Nancy Dillard. I have not found any more direct evidence of such a marriage. ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Milford K. Kirby ___________________________________________________________________