Estate Sale

Transcription of list of purchasers at estate sale of William and Sarah 
Dillard, deceased.  
From Estate of William and Sarah Dillard, Mecklenburg County Records, NC State 
Catalogued in NC Archives under CR 065.508, Box 70.

Transcribed by Milford K. Kirby on February 18, 2005.
Transcribed document is within quotation marks.  
[Material in brackets was added by transcriber.]

"A List of the property sold of the estate of William and Sarah Dillard, 
Deceased, December 15, 1808.

Page 1
James Richardson	2 hoes			 $0.43
Thomas B. Smith		sundries irons		  0.25
Thomas Greer		Do			  0.21
Do_________		Baket of iron		  0.50
Do_________		Box of iron		  0.16
James Hartt		Shoe hammer & [piniers?]  0.30
Thomas McKee		iron Botts		  0.42
Robert Bell		1 axe			  0.50
John Pettus		1 Mattock		  0.88
Do________		1 coulter		  1.06
William Pettus		Clevis and swingletree	  0.40
Thomas Greer		sundries ham[e]s	  0.12 1/2
John Pettus		Chains and hams		  2.30
Robert Bell		Do_______ Do_______	  0.81
Thomas B. Smith		1 spaid			  0.65
Thomas Greer		sundries iron		  0.29
John Pettus		1 Plough		  2.00
James Richardson	Clevis			  0.51
Thomas Greer		1 Jack plow		  0.37 1/2
William Pettus		1 axe			  2.01
Moses Rise		1 old saw [paid?]	  0.13
Thomas B. Smith		3 barrels		  0.30
Robert Bell		2 Do___________	          0.30
Thomas B. Smith		2 Do ___________	  0.10
Robert Bell		1 Do___________	          0.05
Mrs. Harris		2 Do___________	          0.14

Page 2			[Subtotal] Brought over  15.20

John Bennet		1 Dish and Bason	  1.76
Dawson Wygons[Wiggens]	Do____________	          1.81
Col. David Hartt		1 Bason &[?]	  1.50
Fanny Bennet		2 Dishes		  1.20
John Bennet		6 Plates		  2.25
Thomas Mckee		4 Do____________	  1.01
John Boudown		1 Tin Bucket		  0.62 1/2
Robert Bell		Sund.  Delf ware	  2.01
Thomas B. Smith		Waughter & Cups	          0.54
Thomas B. Smith		Bread Tray & Bowls	  0.26
Do____________	Tea Pots and bowls	          0.10
Col. Hartt		1/2 Doz. Plates		  0.87
Dawson Wiggens		5 plates		  0.38
Frederick Dinkens	3 dishes		  0.80
William Dillard		Cannister		  0.30
James Mason		1 Mug			  0.08
Robert Bell		1 Pine Table		  0.50
Do_______________	Hann & Alfred	        600.00
Nancy Dillard		Jude and Annas	        400.00
Wallas Blalock		Bed & Sted & Covering	 22.50
Sam [M?B?]yers		Do____________	         23.00
Robert Bell		Do_____________	         31.50
Sarah Dillard		Do and Curtains		 25.00
William Dillard		Bed			 25.00
Nancy Dillard 		Do______________	 25.00
Robert Bell		Do_____________	         25.00
John Bennet		Loom & [gears?]		  4.00
Adam McCray		Spinning Wheel		  2.15
John Weathers		1 Slay			  1.00
Sarah Dillard		1 Trunk			  3.00
Nancy Dillard		1 pair flat irons	  0.60
Robert Bell		1/2 Doz. knies & forks	  1.25
				 [Subtotal]  $1,217.83 1/2	

Page 3			      Brought over   $1,217.83 1/2
John Drury		3 Straw Baskets		  1.95
Wallace Blalock		1 Jug			  1.00
Thomas Greer		2 pair Cards		  0.52
James Mason		1 Do ________		  0.37 1/2
Nancy Dillard		1 pine table		  0.30
James Mason		2 Decanters		  0.30
Nancy Dillard		1 Tumbler		  0.10
William Dillard		1 Armed chair		  1.02
Dawson Wiggens		2 chairs	          0.75
William Whiteside	2 Do			  2.02
Robert Bell		2 Do			  2.05
Elijah Davis		1 Do			  0.31
Dr. William Clauston	Seed Cotton for C W	 43.24
Sarah Dillard		1 side saddle		 10.00
William Dillard		1 Rifle Gun		[not legible]
Thomas McKee		1 Cut Reel		  0.89
George Pettus		1 Musket gun		  4.75
Fanny Bennet		1 chair			  1.00
William Whiteside	1 Pail			  0.54
Dr. William Clauston	1 Do			  0.36
Robert Bell		Bread Tray & [Sifter?]	  0.75
John Bowdown		Chain			  0.13 1/2
Frederick Dinkins	1 Tub			  1.47
Wallace Blalock		1 Pot and hooks		  1.40
Thomas B. Smith		Bowl and half [Bowl?]	  0.40
Frederick Denkins	Large Can Crackers	  0.10
William Whiteside	1 Dutch Oven		  1.00
Robert Lavel		2 Skillets		  0.50
James Richardson	1 large Pot		  2.12
William Dillard		1 Pan Handle		  0.10
William White		1 Spinning Wheel	  0.75
Nancy Dillard		[?}			  0.70
John Drury		2 Baskets		  0.51
         [Subtotal]                           $1297.82 1/2

Page 4
John Drury		2 Baskets		  0.32
Dr. William Clauston	1 Barrel                  0.12
George Pettus		1 grindstone		  1.50
Peter Perry		Choice lot hogs		 14.00
Dr. William Clauston	2d Do			 11.00
Robert Bell		3d Do			  6.25
James Richardson	4th Do			  6.25
Thomas McKee		5 Do			  7.03
John Weathers		1 Sow & pigs		  6.54
Nancy Dillard		1 Sorrel Mare		 54.28
Dr. W. Clauston		Cuting box		  2.75
William Dillard		Black Mare		 70.00
John Drury		Bay Horse		 50.00
Alfred Smith		Bay Mare		 28.00
George Pettus		Sorrel Mare		 44.00
Elijah Davis		2 year old colt		 33.58
               [Subtotal]                    $1,659.89 1/2	

Page 5
16th; 2d Day's Sale
Nancy Dillard		Bible & hymn book	  1.00
Peter Perry		Sundry books		  0.25
William Dillard		1 Slate			  0.25
Sarah Dillard		1 Looking glass		  1.00
Frederick Dinkins	Rope Works		  1.05
Robert Bell 		Iron Wedge		  0.30
William Pettus		Bayonet Sickle		  0.75
Do_______		Cart Wheels		  0.50
Robert Lavel		6 geese 43 cents per head 2.58
Do_______		Do      41 cents per head 2.46
Do_______		Do      44 cents per head 2.64
Do ________		Do      45 cents per head 2.70
Thomas Greer Jr.	Do      41 cents per head 2.46
John Drury		40 Baskets corn		 24.00
William White		2d lots 57 bushels       22.80
John Drury		3d lots 58 Do            23.20
James Richardson	4th Do 57  Do            19.66
John Wallace		5th Do 57 Do		 22.80
Thomas McKee		1 Black Cow		 14.00
Robert Bell 		1 Pale Red Do		 15.00
Nancy Dillard		1 Mirly Heffer		 17.76
George Pettus		1 Brown Heffer		 11.50
Dawson Wiggins		1 Black Spotted Do	 14.52 1/2
William Pettus		1 Bell Cow		 17.25
Elijah Davis		1 Red Caugh [Calf?]	  4.55
William Pettus		1 Bull			  5.00
Elijah Davis		1 Whight Heffer		  6.01
Do ________		1 Slack Fodder		  4.50
Littleton Bennet		2 Do		  5.00
James Richardson	3 Do			  5.00
		      [Subtotal              $1,893.45

Page 6
William White		4th Slack Fodder          2.12 1/2
George Pettus		 5th Do			  1.50
William Pettus		 5 head sheep            10.00
Robert Bell		12 Bushels Corn		  6.84
Do_______		1 iron wedge		  0.30
Do_________		1 cow hide		  1.00
Do________		1 basket [corn?]	  0.25

			Total Amount         $1,915.46 1/2

			Amount               $1,904.64 1/2

			/s/Robert Bell, Administrator"

[There is a difference between the two final amounts on the document.
Any explanation off this difference was not legible to me.
The roughly $10 difference may represent some commission or fee for holding 
the sale.  It could also represent some filing fee, or some other unexplained 
discrepancy.  The amount reported to the court was $1,904.64 1/2.]


	Copyright.  All rights reserved.

	This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives 
	by:  Milford K. Kirby