Iredell-Mecklenburg County NcArchives Wills.....Dickey, Samuel July 10, 1792 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joseph H. Howard May 3, 2007, 3:25 pm Source: John Knox Estate 1792 Cr 065 508, Mecklenburg County Nc Written: July 10, 1792 1792 10 July. Samuel Dickey was appointed guardian for his daughter Rachel and her inheritance from John Knox. The following from The John Knox Estate 1792 (CR -65 508, Mecklenburg County NC): Know all men by these Presents that I Samuel Dickey of Iredell County in North Carolina have been Chosen by the County Court, Gardeen for my Daughter Rachel a Child to whom John Knox Deceased Bequeathed part of his Estate; which part was found to be fifty one pounds - 14 - 0 and I the above Said Samuel Dickey having given Bond and Securety to the Court as the Law Requires, Calld upon the Executers of John Knox which are John Dickey and Alexander Young, for my Daughters Share or part of the above Said John Knoxes Estate, and I do hereby acknoledge that I have Received in Notes and Bonds the above mentioned Sume of fifty one pound fourteen sh From the above Named Dickey and Young and I do Declare my Self fully Satisfied with the part I have Received as being the whole of all Bequeathed by John Knox unto my Daughter Ratchel, and do hereby Relase aquit and discharge the above Named Exrs Dickey and Young from any further trouble or cossern as Execrs Respecting my Daughters part of the above Named Knoxes Estate - witness my hand and Seal this tenth day of July one thousand seven hundred and Ninty two - 1792. Sighned and delivered In presents of Mr. Wm Davidson, Esqr. [signed} Saml Dickey [seal] This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.1 Kb