Mecklenburg COUNTY, NC - WILLS - J. L. Cochran, 11 Sep 1863
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[Transcribed by Harold Henderson from photocopy obtained from North
Carolina Department of Cultural Resources.  According to Thornton
Mitchell's North Carolina Wills:  A Testator Index, 1665-1900, it is in Will
Book J page 177.  It is believed, but not proved as of 26 May 2002, that
Ann Margaret (Melone?) was his second wife and that an earlier wife
Elizabeth (Balentine?) was the mother of Robert John.]

State of N.C. Mecklenburg County, Sept 11th 1863.  Know all men by
these presents that I J. L. Cochran being of sound & disposing mind &
memory, but in a feeble state of bodily health & mindful of the
uncertainty of life do make publish & declare this my last will &
testament hereby revoking all other wills heretofore made by me

Item first I devise & bequeath to my beloved wife Ann Margaret all my
household & kitchen furniture, my mule & stock of all kinds farming
utensils and all the grain & provisions which may be on hand at my
decease & also my Rockaway & harness & my repeater and all the
personal property of which I may be possessed or entitled to at my
decease except my shot-gun & buggy and the debts due me & the
money I may have on hand.

Item 2nd I devise & bequeath to my son Robert John my shot gun.

Item 3rd.  My will is that my executor hereinafter named shall apply all the
money I may have on hand and which may be due my estate & which
may arise from the sale of my buggy by my executor after paying
therefrom all charges against my estate to the purchase of land for the
use of my wife during her widowhood and after her decease or marriage
for the use of all my children equally to be divided between them share &
share alike.

Item 4th I hereby nominate & appoint my trusty friend & brother Wm. L.
Cochran my executor to execute this my last will & testament & every
part thereof made published signed & declared in the presence of
A. M Iver
James E. Andrews [?]

J L. Cochran

[second page]

State of No Carolina
Mecklenburg County
Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions
April Term 1864
I hereby certify that the execution of this Will was clearly proven in open
court by the Oath of Wm. E. Andrews, and ordered to be recorded.
Wm. Macewile [??] Clerk