Last Will & Testament of Nancy H. Cathey
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Mecklenburg Co. Will Book K, page 519

Nancy H. Cathey Will
State of North Carolina
Mecklenburg County
                To his Honor the Judge
of Probate of said County.
 Your petitioner John Cathey / respectfully shows to the Court that
Nancy Cathey / died in the County in the month of January 1882 / leaving
a Last Will and Testament - That she / by her said Will did not name or
appoint an / Executor.  That she was seized of a tract of Land / in fee
of about thirty acres and one horse / two cows ten sheep three hogs and
house / hold and kitchen furniture and farming tools / all of said
personally valued at about three / Hundred Dollars.  She left seven
children / Eliza Montgomery, Margaret & Mary Hipp, John / Cathey, W. F.
Cathey, S. A. Cathey all of / whom are of age.

Your Petitioner would further show that he is / one of the children and
heirs and that it / it is the wish of the heirs that Letters of ad /
ministration shall be granted to him. / Your Petitioner would further
show that for the pro- / tection of the property and settlement of the /
Estate it is necessary and proper that an ad- / ministration shall be
had and therefore Pray / that Letters be granted to him, and he will /
ever Pray.
Sworn to & subscribed           John A. Cathey
before me Jan 13 1883
Jno R Erwin
C. S. C. & P. J.

Will of Nancy H. Cathey
The last will of Nancy Cathey of Mecklenburg / County North Carolina.  I
Nancy H. Cathey con / sidering the uncertainty of this mortal life and /
being of sound mind and memory do make / and publish this my last will
in manner  / and form following
First   I give and bequeath unto my son William  / F Cathey all that tract
of Land know as part / of the More place containing thirty acres more /
or less adjoining the lands of W. C. Neal and  / others.  I further give
my son W. F. Cathey one / large cupboard and one double wove white /
counterpane.  I give and bequeath to my / daughter S. A. Cathey one
large bureau, one / of my best feather beds and strads including / all
that belongs to the same one side sad / dle, one small square table, one
candle stand, / one double wove white counterpane, one / milk cow.  I
give and bequeath to my  / son W. F. and my daughter S. A. Cathey all /
my table ware to be equally divided between / them.  I give and bequeath
unto my son  / J A Cathey one large walnut folding table / and one
double wove white counterpane / I also allow my daughter S A Cathey to /
have all my fine bed sheets.  I give and / bequeath unto my daughters
Eliza Mont / gomery, Margaret Hipp, Mary Hipp and / Francis Lee all the
balance of my bed / clothing to be equally divided between them / except
one of my best quilts I give to my / Grand-daughter Nancy Hipp.  The
balance / of my property to be sold and after my burying / expenses and
a suitable headstone to mark my / grave to be equally divided among my
living / heirs.  In witness whereof I have set my  / hand and seal the
6th day of August A.D. 1880.
Attest                  Nancy H. Cathey  {seal}
W. C. Neal
M. A. Alexander