Will of William Brown of the County of Mecklenburg and State of North Carolina
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Barbara Brown <BBrown6575@aol.com>

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In the name of God Amen I William Brown of the County of Mecklenburg and
State of North Carolina being sound in mine and memory thanks to God for
his mersis to me. Cauling to mine the mortality of
my body do make this my Last Will and Testament in maner and form following
my soal body I commit unto the care of God that give it me and my body I
commit to the dust from  whence it came to be buried in desent---buried at
the descretion of my Executor and as to such wordley goods in it that
pleased God to bestow me in this life. I William bequeath in manner and
form following Vry Imp, I do will and bequeath to my beloved
wife Elizabeth Brown and my daughter N Brown all my household and kitchen
furneture and all my stock and my sheep my hogs and horned cattel.
Imp I do will and bequeath to my daughter Nance D Brown apice of land
beginning at a stake on Ann Maxwels line and run astraight line between
the house I nowlive in and the house that my son Joseph Ewart
Brown lives in. Then to a simmon tree in the old field. Thence to asimmon
on the branch n fars corner. Thence up said branch to a hickery at hides
fording then to a poste oak Ann Maxwels corner from thence to the
beginning. To be hers as long as she lives and at her
decese to be equally divided between my two sons Joseph Ewart Brown and
William Brown Imp. I do will and bequeath to my son William Brown a pice of
land beginning on n fars simmon corner on to the branch from there to n
fars corner on the north branch. Thence up the branch to Benjamins corner.
Thence to a sasafret at Benjamins other corner. Thence to a hickery at
hides fording. Thence to the beginning. I so will and
bequeath to my son William apart of my meadows lying the north side of the
holer from the upper end of ___________ line. I do will and bequeath to my
son Joseph the remaining part of my meadow with all the remaining part of
my land. I do nominate constitute and apoint my two sons Benjamin Brown and
Joseph E Brown Executors of this my last Will and Testament. I do here by
disanul all former wills either by verbal words or writing and make and or
claim this to be my last Will and Testament.
In witness where of I have here unto let my hand and soal this Twenty Third
day of October in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight and Fourty Five.

                                                                his X mark

William Brown

Test  Huck D Ewart                              State of North Carolina
July Ten 1857
        Wm. D Ewart                             Mecklenburg County
                                                  I certify that this
foregoing will
                                                wad duly ____ & the
                                                named qualified according
to law

Rendered in Book 19
  # page 176