State of North Carolina
County of Mecklenburg

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Barbara Brown <>

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October 13th _____1813

In the name of God Amen. I Samuel Brown of the State of North Carolina &
County of Mecklenburg, being now in a sick & low condition but sound in
mind and memory & calling to mind that it is appointed to all men once
to die. Do make & constitute this my last will and testament,
revoking all others.

1st  I commit my spirit to God who gave it, and my body to buried in decent
Christian manner.
2ndly  I will that all my lawful debts be punctually paid out of the
proceeds of such parts of my property as may not herein after be mentioned
by my executors.
3rdly  I will so much money to be raised out of my estate & appropriated to
the use of my friend James Jameson as shall be necessary to defray the
expense of procuring a deed for the mills and lands thereto attached for
which I stand bound & for which, mills & lands I
have received ample value, and that he shall procure said deed in his own
name ____ land has not been run. Desire it to begin at a cherry tree near
the last corner of the old fields & run the berth & bounding ____ing
___ntry there of. And that he, the said James Jameson be hereby
bound in his own name, to make to Robert Shatwood and
Mitchel Bradley, severally, goods & sufficient deeds of conveyance,
for the several tracts to them belonging out of the original, as soon
after he shall, procure it, as they or either of them
shall ___ance the sum or sums to my executors, as they or either of them
stand bound for, to me.
4thly I give & bequeath to my beloved wife Nancy, my manor house & all the
lands she may have use for raising the family during her life or widowhood,
after either of which,
they shall be in the power of my executor, to use in the best advantage
of my children ___lly, till they respectively come to the age of
twenty-one, excepting my sons who share
my lands & likewise give & bequeath to my beloved wife all my cattle during
her life or widowhood and afterward to the use of my children equally.
Also one home of her choice, her saddle, two feather beds & furniture
with all her clothing forever.
5thly  I give & bequeath to my two sons James & William the whole of the lands on which I live, about three hundred acres, to be equally divided
between them, taking quality and quantity into consideration, and the
mansion house, to belong to William. I also give &
bequeath to my son James one horse & saddle, of his choice, after my wife
chooses. I will & bequeath to my three daughters Jane, Esther & Sally
together with the infant not yet
born, an equal share of my estate not otherwise desposed of in the above
will & testament.
Lastly I do hereby constitute & appoint my brother James Brown & my wife
Nancy executors of this my last will and testament. In testimony where of I
here into set my hand
& affix my seal, the date above written.
                                        Samuel X Brown
Signed in the
presence of
my family
John ____?_