Will of Patrick Brown
State of North Carolina
County of Mecklenburg

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Barbara Brown <BBrown6575@aol.com>

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In the name of God Amen. I Patrick Brown of Mecklenburg County ad State of
North Carolina being sick and weak of body but of perfect sound mind
and memory Blessed be God for his mercies and calling to mind my mortality
and that it is appointed for men once to die.
In this 19th Day of November 1803 make this my last will and testament in
maner and form following. 1st  I will that all my just debts be honestly
paid by my executors herein after named.
2nd To my beloved wife Mary I bequeath two cowes one bed furnature and
bedstead on e chest known by the name of her own and the clothing in said
chest and all the household kitchen and dresser furniture except what I
particulary hereafter name and my large Bible and all my other bookes
and my horse with her wheel and reel and to have free______ of
my mantion house and have a genteel living off this my farm during her life
and to be at
her own disposal at her death.
3rd To my daughter Margaret I bequeath one dollar.
4th To my son Robert I bequeath one dollar.
5th To my daughter Eleanor I bequeath one dollar.
6th To my daughter Mary I bequeath one dollar.
7th to my son James I bequeath a piece of land to begin on hickory near the
road leading from my house to Jay Berry Hill and to run down said road
opposite the upper corner of my old field near said road from thence a
straight course till it strikes the south corner of
his own old field, also my cup-board.
8th To my daughter Agnes I bequeath one dollar.
9th To my son William I bequeath the remainder of the plantation whereon
I now live on the following condition in case he dies before he has any
heirs by his ____wife, then my land to be sold by my executors and the
price equally divided between my following named children. Robert,
James, Eleanor, Mary and Agness.
And I do hereby nominate and appoint my son James Brown and Jack Fagert
executors of this my last will and testament hereby renouncing all
other wills and wills testament and testaments.
Signed Sealed published pronounced and declared by the said Patrick Brown
the testator, as his last will and testament in the presence of us who
were present at the time of signing
and sealing thereof.
Andrew McNeely                          Patrick X Brown       seal
Samuel B_hill

Mecklenburg County
        January ____ 1804
The execution of this will was duly  ____ in Court by William B_hill
a witness and executor.
                        Isaac Alexander ____
Registered in Book
  A page 103