State of North Carolina County of Mecklenburg ************************************************************************ File contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Barbara Brown <> USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation. Return to the NCGenWeb Archives Table of Contents ************************************************************************ In the name of God Amen. I John Brown of the County of Mecklenburg and State of North Carolina being in health and of perfect mind and memory causing to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is allotted that all men is once to die and the one certainty of this life. Do make and ordain this my last will and testament. In the first place I recommend my soul to God that gave it through the merits of my Redeemer. In the next place my body to the earth to be buried in a Christian like manner as my executors here after naimed shall think fit and as for such estate as it hath pleased God to gieft me with in life. I dispose of in the manner and form following. In the first place I leave unto my son Walker Brown seventy five acres of land containing his entry n that he now prosesith in the next plce I leave unto my son William Brown one hundred and seventeen acres of land lying on the Indion branch of Richardsons Creek. In the third place I leave unto my daughter Lydy ten shillings in money. In the fourth place I leave unto my daughter Ann ten shillings in money. the fifth place I leave unto my daughter Sarah ten shillings in money. In the sixth place I leave my daughter Charity ten shillings in money. In the seventh place I leave unto my son Jacob Brown all my land on the north side of Richardsons Creek from the beginning line containing all the open land and plantation up to the bever dam Creek. In the eighth place I leave unto Sarah my wife all my land lying on the south side of the Beaver Dam fork and of the south side of Richardsons Creek deuring her widowhood and the said quantity of land that I lent to my wife to be give and equally divided between my sons Jonathan & Alan Brown at her decease. I likewise leave all my stock goods and cattles _____ unto Sarah my wife during her widowhood or marrie and then all my goods, stock and chattles to be equally divided between my above mentioned sons and daughters. My desire is that my wife and my son Walker Brown be my executors and witness ___ I have _____ unto set my name and affixed my seal this Twenty Second Day of July 1794 Test his Seal Thomas Shelby John X Brown mark