Mecklenburg County, NC - Will of Elizabeth Brown, 1867

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N.C.         Mecklenburg County         Jan. ___1867
In the name of God so beit. I Elizabeth Brown being in a low state of 
health but of sound nd disposing mind and memory do make and ordain the
following as my last will and testament. Where in I bequeath and dispose 
of all my wordly estate in manner and form as follows.  Viz
___ I will and bequeath my soal to God who gave it and my body to be
decently buried at the discretion of my executor.
___It is my will and desire that all my just and lawful debts be well and
truly paid.
___i will and bequeath to my son Ja's Brown and my daughters Harriet
Louiza? Rebecca Elizabeth and Hanna Josephine? all my property of every 
description, goods, chattles mares ____ to be soald and equally divided 
between my four children names in this are ____ my two youngest daughters 
to have each a bed and furniture _____ to be counted in their share.  I 
herein appoint my son Ja's Brown as my executor to _____ this my last will
and testament, given under my hand and ___ seal the day above written.

_____________                                   Elizabeth X Brown
W L _________                                           mark

State of N. Carolina
Mecklenburg County

                                                        Apice? Term 1867
          I hereby certify that the _____ of the foregoing
will, was duly _______ ____ court? by the _____ of John Walker, ______
to be recorded
                              Wm. __________