Mecklenburg County, NC - Will of Benjamin Brown, 1804

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In the name of God Amen
I Benjamin Brown of the County of Mecklenburg & State of North Carolina
being weak in body but of sound mind and memory thanks be to God for his
mercies to me.
Calling to mind the mortality of my body and the uncertainty of life do 
make this my last will and testament in manner and form following. Viz.
My soul I commit unto the care of God that five it me and my body I commit
to the dust from whence it came to be buried in decent burial at the 
discretion of my executors- and as to such wordly goods as it hath pleased 
God to bless me in this life.
I Will & bequeath in manner and form following. Viz
I will to my son Joseph Brown the sum of ten pounds. Imp. To my daughter
Mary the sum of five pounds Imp. to my daughter Fanny? the sum of five 
pounds. Imp. To my son John the sum of Ten Shillings to be deducted out 
of his note due to me from him, and the remainder of the sd. note to be 
applied by my executors to the discharge of the aforementioned legacies 
to my two daughters Mary & Fanny provided never the less that my executors 
shall not demand the said money from my sd. son John in less than three 
years after my decease. Imp. To my daughter Ann the least of my two grey 
mares and one cow Imp. To my son William I will, bequeath and transfer in 
fee ______ the sum of seventy acors of land to be ____ of the old tract I 
lives on and to begin at Alexander Robinsons red oak corner on my line, 
near hides ford on the branch and from the said corner a straight line to 
my line on the North side of my plantation to my son Johns ____ creek to 
south part of said line as will include the said seventy acors on the west 
side thereof -Viz.
My said son William in consideration of the _____ of my said son Joseph the
legacy of ____ ____ afour mentioned. The waggon I allow to be ____ ____
aloan to ______the greatest part of ______ at the discretion of my wife.
Imp.  ______ ______ the remainder and a residence?  of my land.  _____ 
John and Williams line with all the improvements there and _______ there 
unto belonging  (the one side of the meadow excepting which I allow to 
the use of my son long a he lives where he does).  To be and ____
____ for her descent maintenance and the support & maintenance of my
daughter Jean and I do hereby impower her at her decease by will or 
otherwise to dispose of ____ _____ for the greatest benefit for her 
surviving children. _____ _____ _____ _____ shall ____ ____
Imp. All the remainder ____ of my property ____ hereby will & bequeath to 
my said beloved wife to be at her disposal and recommend to her to be 
particularly careful of my daughter Jean.
Reward her well out of my ____ has been remarkably kind- careful & tender
to me in  my old age and under my infirmity. And I do hereby constitute and
appoint my beloved wife and my son William my executors to this my last will
& testament fully ____equally to my true intent and meaning and I do hereby 
revoke all other wills by me made and pronounce this to be my last will and 
testament in witneys where of  I have into hand and seal this 5th day of 
September 1804.
Signed sealed & acknowledged
By testator in _______
John Osborne?
_____ Robison                                   Benjamin Brown
Rachel Robison