Will of Felix Turner Beaty, 1917, Mecklenburg Co. NC From: Philip Sheppard <sheppard@hargray.com> Will of Felix Turner Beaty, dated 2/12/1917, codicil dated 6/3/1925, recorded: Book 3, page 532, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina North Carolina, Mecklenburg County I, F. T. Beaty, of the said County and State,being of sound mind but considering the uncertainty of my earthly existance, do make this and declare this my last will and testament. First: My executors, hereinafter named, shall give my body a decent burial suitable to the wishes of my friends and relatives and pay all funeral expenses, together with all my just debts, out of the first moneys which may come into their hands belonging to my estate. Second: I give and devise to my beloved wife Mary E. Beaty, all of my real estate that is in my possession at the time of my death also all of my personal property consisting of all livestock, farming impliments, wagons, buggies, harness, notes, mortgages, insurance, moneys in banks. Third: My will and desire is that all of my estate after my just debts are paid that all the residue shall go to my wife Mary E. Beaty so long as she may live. Fourth: At the death of my wife, Mary E. Beaty the estate shall be divided equally between all of the following named children, 1st W. B. Beaty, 2nd R. C. Beaty, 3rd Minnie I. McCord, 4th Nina E. Auten, 5th D. R. Beaty, 6th D. M. Beaty, 7th Louise E. Allen, 8th Mary Odessa Beaty, 9th F. P. Beaty. Fifth: I hereby constitute and appoint my wife Mary E. Beaty and my son R. C. Beaty my lawful executors to all intents and purposes to execute this my last will and testament according to the true intent and meaning of the same and every part and clause thereof hereby revoking and declaring utterly void all other wills and testaments by me made. Sixth: It is my will and desire that my executors above named shall serve as executors of my estate without bond and at the death of my wife Mary E. Beaty my son R. C. Beaty shall serve as executor to a final settlement of my estate. In witness whereof I, the said F. T. Beaty do hereunto set my hand and seal this 12th day of February 1917. Felix. T. Beaty (seal) Signed, sealed, published and declared by the said F. T. Beaty to be his last will and testament in the presence of us, who at his request and his presense (and in the presence of each other) do subscribe our names as witnesses thereto. N. A. Cathey (seal) R. S. Underwood (seal) ++++++++++++++ North Carolina, Mecklenburg County I, F. T. Beaty, of said County and State make this Codicil to my last will and testament published by me and dated the 12th day of February 1917, which I ratify and confirm, except as the same shall be changed hereby, Whereas, That where any of my children above named have borrowed any moneys or shall hereinafter borrow any moneys from me the said F. T. Beaty, then and in that event any or all of the amount borrowed shall be deducted from that ones share of my estate and where in so deducted then and thereafter each child share and share alike as herein before mentioned. F. T. Beaty (seal) Signed, sealed, published, and declared by the said F. T. Beaty to be a Codicil to his last will and testament in our presence and we in his presence (and in the presence of each other) have, at his request, hereto subscribed our names as witness. Dated this 3rd day of June 1925. N. A. Cathey (seal) J. A. Cathey (seal) ++++++++++++++++ On May 26, 1844, R. S. Underwood testified that N. A. Cathey and J. A. Cathey, witnesses, were dead. R. S. Underwood also verified the handwriting of N. A. Cathey, J. A. Cathey, and F. T. Beaty. On May 29, 1944, C. M. Sadler verified the handwriting of N. A. Cathey, J. A. Cathey, and F. T. Beaty. ++++++++++++++++ North Carolina Mecklenburg County IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF FELIX T. BEATY To Hon. J. Lester Wolfe, Clerk of the Superior Court: I, Mary E. Beaty, named as Executrix in the will of Felix T. Beaty, my late husband, hereby renounce my right as Executrix, and ask the court to appoint R. C. Beaty, the Executor named in said will as the sole Executor under said will. This the ____ day of June 1944. Mary E. Beaty ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Philip Sheppard <sheppard@hargray.com> ====================================================================