Mecklenburg CO NC - WILL:  Will of Francis Beatey - 1773

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         This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb
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I am attaching a file that I would like to contribute to the USGenWeb, NC, 
Mecklenburg Co., Archives, Wills. This Francis Beatey was Deputy Surveyor for 
Mecklenburg County.


 James B. Beaty Jr.
7414 Pine Bluff Circle
Charlotte, NC 28214


NC, Mecklenburg Co., Will Book G. pp. 81-86     C.R. 065.801.11

In the name of God Amen. 
This twenty ninth day of June in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand
Seven hundred and seventy three, I Francis Beatey of Mecklenburg County and
providence of North Carolina being weak in body but in perfect mind and
memory. Blessed be the Almighty God for the same and calling to mind the
mortality of my body that it is appointed for all men once to die. Do make,
constitute and appoint this my Last Will and Testament and that I desire that
it may be received by all concerned as such.
And first I give and recommend my soul into the hand of God my most merciful 
Creator, Redeemer and Sanctified who gave the same, nothing doubting but that
at the last day I shall receive the same at the great day of Resurrection by
the Almighty power of God who fashioned and made me very sensible was good for
me to be afflicted.
And I now think God for all his mercies and pray for wisdom and prudence of
Mind to set my house in order and settle the affairs thereof with discretion
unto the end by the grace of God whose most glorious name be praised forever
more world without end, Amen. 
And my body I recommend to the dust from whence it came, to be buried in a
Christian like manner (not in pomp or state) at the direction of my executors
who I doubt not will manage the same with all proper gravity and prudence.
And to touching my worldly estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me,
This is my will and I do hereby order and dispose of give, bequeath demise and
Devise thereof in the following manner and form. And first I order all my
Debts and funeral charges to be paid. imprimis.

I give and bequeath to my beloved son Thomas Beatey, his heirs and assigns
forever one moniety or 1/2 part of my 640 acres of land on both sides of
Little Broad River at the mouth of Hickory Creek in Tyron County, provided
that the same Thomas shall give to his son Francis 1/3 of the value thereof
when he comes to the age of maturity. Also I give to my grandson Francis son
of said Thomas 5 pounds proc money to buy a Geneva bible. 

Item I give and bequeath to my well beloved son James Beatey his heirs and
assign forever the 200 acres of land originally granted to Tobias Addick. I
likewise give and bequeath to his son Francis 6 pounds proc money to purchase
Burkett on New Testament and drilling Court (or Const) on Death and Mr. John
Flavels Works and that the said James Beatey shall pay to his brother Robert
Beatey 30 pounds proc money in case the weakness of his limbs should render
him incapable of a livelihood obtaining or becoming burdensome or a charge to
others and not else. N.B. said James is to pay said Robert in sickness or in

Item I will and bequeath to my well beloved son Hugh Beatey his heirs and
assigns forever 200 acres of land lying on Hickory Creek in Tryon County being
the upper part of a tract of 300 acres, which I purchased of James Tate on
condition that he the said Hugh Beatey shall give to his son Francis 1/2 of
the value thereof when he comes to the years of maturity 
Also I give to his son Francis 5 pounds to buy a Geneva Bible. 
And I order my executors o convey the fee simple unto my son Hugh his heirs
And assigns forever of a land joining John Beatey and Robert Armstrong land on
The north side of First Broad River the warrant thereof is in my name.

Item I give and bequeath to my well beloved son John Beatey one horse and the
bay mare which he brought from Virginia with her stallion colt provided that
he the said John Beatey shall pay his brother Robert Beatey 50 pounds proc in
case the weakness of his limbs should render him hereafter incapable of 
obtaining a livelihood or become burdensome or a charge to others and not else
Said John is to pay Robert 25pounds in any case. 

Item I give and bequeath to my well beloved son Francis Beatey his heirs and
assigns forever all of the 80 acres of land on the north side of Paw Creek
joining John Beatey John Cathey and his own line and 100 acres of land part of
the tract of land which I had of James Tate on Hickory Creek in Tryon County
Also the sorrel mare one horse plow and plow trekings and  ten pounds proc to
purchase a Geneva Bible and other good books. 

Item I give and bequeath to my well beloved son Robert Beatey and his heirs
And assigns forever 305 acres of land being part of my 400 acres and part of
the 210 acres I purchased of Samuel Allen on the south of said land and on the
east of the Catawba River in Mecklenburg County. 
Also all my surveying instruments with a horse and saddle worth twenty pounds
proc and 10 pounds proc to buy a Geneva Bible and other goods books and a plow
and plow treklings. 

Item I give and bequeath my beloved son Wallace Beatey his heirs and assigns
forever 305 acres of land being part of my four hundred acres and part of the
210 acres I purchased of Samuel Allen on the north end of the said land. 
And 300 acres of land on both sides of Hickory Creek that I purchased of James
Beatey and the 200 acres of land situated in Tryon County on Muddy Fork of
Buffalo about 2 miles below James Kelleys including the great meadow and one
horse and the roan mare with plow and plow treklings and 10 pounds proc to
purchase a Geneva Bible the Works of Oscar Ambrose and other good books.

Item I will and bequeath to my well beloved son-in law Robert Grey his heirs
and assigns forever a tract of 400 acres of land in Tryon County on both sides
of First Broad River including the Holton Rocker Cove provided that his son
John Grey shall be entitled to a 1/3 of the value thereof. And I give 5
pounds proc to his daughter Elizabeth Grey to buy her a Bible and the Works of
Mr. Andrew Grey. 

Item I will and bequeath to my well beloved son-in-law Robert Armstrong and
Agnes his wife the sum of 20 pounds proc or the value thereof in lands. I give
my son Francis 10 pounds to purchase a Geneva Bible and Flavels Works and
Drilling Courts or (Const) on Death and other good books. I also give to their
daughter Sarah 40 shillings to purchase the book entitled Ladies Religion
(originally written in French) and other good books and one yearling heifer
within 6 months after the date hereof, whether I am dead or alive.

Item I give and bequeath to my well beloved friend and Cousin James Tate and
the sum of 10 pounds proc to purchase a Geneva Bible and Burkett on New
Testament and Drilling Court on Death. 

Item I give and bequeath to Jean Kinsy the eldest daughter of my cousin Thomas
Henry the sum of 5 pounds proc to buy a Bible and other good books and I order
all the Geneva Bibles and other large books above mentioned to be bound and
plated with brass. 
And I declare it to be my will that all my children, grandchildren and others
observe and keep up all religious and moral duties and particularly that they
daily think and observe that question in the Shorter Catechism (vic) how is
the word to be read and heard that it may become effectual to salvation.

And I order my negro wench Silla to remain one year after my decease with my
son John for his use and the use of his three youngest brothers and afterwards
to be sold at public vendue. I order my boy Tony and all my other lands and
effects not disposed of before nor included in this will to be sold.
And it is my will that the remainder of my estate (if any there be) be so
divided as my sons Francis, Robert and Wallace money or half part thereof, and
that the remaining 11/2 thereof shall be equally divided among my other sons
and daughters. 
And whereas a great part of my household furniture, horses, cows and 2 sheep
and books purchased before the date hereof is not bequeathed or given away by
this my last will and Testament my executors shall have no authority to call
any person or persons to account nor charge them for any such things as I
shall dispose of or give away in my life time except where I take a note or
writing obligatory from them for the same so that what I give away from the
date hereof till the day of my decease shall be looked upon and considered as
my free gift to the receiver there of (except as before excepted).

And I do authorize and appoint my dearly beloved sons James Beatey and Hugh
Beatey and my beloved sons-in-law Robert Gray and. Robert Armstrong of any two
or three of them executors of this my Last Will and Testament, giving unto
them full powers and absolute authority to bargain or sell and dispose of and
convey the fee simple estate of all lands I have sold in my life time that the
purchaser or purchasers have not received a sufficient conveyance from me and
to sell and dispose of all my other lands and effects and to sign seal and
execute lawful and sufficient deeds or deeds to the purchaser or purchasers
utterly revoking disannulling and declaring this and no other to be my Last
Will and Testament.

I have waited for thy salvation O Lord I know in whom I have believed and he
who is able to keep that which I have committed to him. It is good for me that
I have been afflicted and all the days of my appointed time will wait till my
change comes, nor I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor
principalities, nor powers, nor height, nor depth and or any other creature 
shall be able to separate me from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord
unto whose hands O Lord I commend my spirit to be washed, purified and
sanctified and fitted for an all glorious profession ransomed and purchased by
the blood of Christ. Come quickly and receive me O Lord, even so come quickly

In witness whereof in have herewith set my hand and affixed my seal this day
and year herein first above written, signed, sealed, pronounced, published and
declared by said Francis Beatey his Last Will and Testament in the presence

                     (signed) Francis Beatey (Seal)


William Waddell
John Sloan
Leonard Anthony
James Cunningham
James Tate

Before signing I James Beatey by agreement with my father am bound obliged to
pay sd. Robert Beatey 20 pounds proc money five years after sd. Father's 
decease or in any case___and I John Beatey by agreement with my father am
bound and obliged to pay to my brother Robert 25 pounds proc. money five years
after said father's decease in any case.

(signed) James and John Beatey

Codicil of the Last Will and Testament of Francis Beatey to original Will made
on 23 June 1773:

Be it known to all men by these presents that I Francis Beatey of the County
Of Mecklenburg and province of North Carolina have made and declared my last
Will and Testament in writing.

I the said Francis Beatey, by this present Codicil do ratifies and confirm my
said Last Will and Testament.
I do give and bequeath to my beloved Son John Beatey my Press with its
utensils. I likewise give and bequeath to my four youngest sons, John,
Francis, Robert and Wallace to each of them a good bedding of clothes with
Bedsteads to be equally divided amongst them without favor or partiality to
any of them.
I do give and bequeath my silver faced watch to my son Francis and my clock to
my son Robert and my China faced watch to my son Wallace. I give and bequeath
my (words missing) with its Drawing utensils to----(several lines of the
Codicil cannot be read) he or they has free liberty to dispose of his or her
shares to yea best advantage. I order my cows and sheep to remain on yea
plantation for yea use of the family and when they separate what of yea affsd.
stock remains to be equally divided amongst my three youngest to wit. Francis,
Robert and Wallace any horse, mare or colt not mentioned or disposed of
heretofore or any other thing or article I order the same to be sold and all
the money arising from such sales to be appropriated to yea proper uses of yea
estate. And my Will and Meaning is that this Codicil or Schedule be adjudged
to be part and para. Of my said Last Will and Testament and that all things
therein mentioned and contained be faithfully and truly performed and as fully
and amply in every respect as if the same were so declared and set down in my
said Last Will and Testament. Witness my hand this ninth of September 1773.

Signed and declared by
yea said Francis Beatey to be a			(Signed) Francis Beatey
part and parcel of his said last Will
and Testament In the presence of-

James Tate

James Beatey

James McKee

J. Tate