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Rev David Barr Will registered Book A, p 140, May term 1811

In the name of God Almighty. ------ in the year of our Lord Eighteen
hundred and eleven.  I David Barr of the state of North Carolina and
County of Mecklenburg being weak in body ---- perfect mind and memory
thanks be given to God therefore calling to mind the mortality of my
body and knowing that it is appointed for all men to die, do make and
ordain that my last will and testament that is
----- ----- personally and first
of all I give and recommend? my soul to the hands of God who gave it and
for my body ------------ it to the earth to be fiven a Christian and
descent? manner at the des? of Mrs? Barr? nothing doubting but at the
-------- ------- I shall ---- the same again by mighty power of God and
as -----ing such worldly estate whileworth? it hath I ----- pleased God
to be ------ ------- in this life.  I give devise and dispose of the in
the following manner and form ---- ---- I ordain all my just debts be
paid as well ----- my funeral expenses.

Item - I give to my beloved daughter Martha Barr (alias Houston) at her
marriage in sundries to the amount of one hundred and seventy dollars
and do bequeath the same to her for her proper use.

Item - I beaqueath to my well beloved daughter Agnes Barr in sundries of
the same kind to same amount of one hundred and seventy dollars also a
bed and furniture bequeathed by her grandmother Agnes Barr at her death.

Item - I beaqueath to my well beloved daughter Mary Barr in sundries of
the same kind to the same amount of one hundred and seventy dollars.

Item - It is my will and pleasure that my two sons James Barr and John C
Barr be put to learn each one a trade such as each one chooses when they
are about eighteen years of arge or sum of Expedient.

Item - I will my two negroes vis Jack and Doll (now called Mary) to my
beloved wife Margaret Barr during her life and after her death.  I will
my negro man Jack to my son James and my Negro girl Mary after my wifes
death ------ to my son John C Barr and if the said negro Mary has any
children I leave them to be disposed of by my beloved wife Margaret Barr
as circumstances may direct her.

Item - It is my will and pleasure that my Plantation be equally divided
between my two sons James and John at the discretion of my executors and
if one of my sons should die before the age of twenty-one then his part
of the estate to descend to the other son and if both should die to be
left to my wifes disposition?

Item - I bequeath to my beloved wife margaret her use of the plantation
using her ------- and farming ----- to be kept on the place --------

Item - My books on the orig? Language ---- to be sold if neither of my
sons should choose to go to the Learning and if either of them does then
------ books to ---- to him the ---- of my books to belong to my wife
during her life and then divided among my sons and daughters.

Item - It is my will and pleasure that the household furniture shall
belong to my wife during her life and then to her disposed? of as she
sees proper.

Item - I ------ make and ordain William Robb and James Wilson my
Executors of this my last will and testament and do hereby utterly
and --- all and any other Testament, Will or Legacy bequest and
by my wise before this time ---- will and ---- ratifying and confirming
this and none other to be my last will and Testament in ---- whenof I
have set my hand and seal the day ---- written. Signed:  David Barr -
Wits: Mathew Orr, Jno Wilson, John Foard

JoAnn Curbo