Mecklenburg COUNTY, NC - WILS - George Baker, 1814
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         Archives by: Bruce Baker
Meck. Co., Will Book A p. 105           
George Baker.......1814, prb in May 1815 Ct.

Considering the uncertainty of this mortal life, I bequeath to my wf Rachel 
Baker the free and full use and benefit of the plantation whereon I now live, 
with all its improvements during her widowhood including my personal property-
negros, horses, cattle, farming utensils, and all household and kitchen 
furniture- for the express purpose of maintaining, clothing, and schooling of 
my children that are now minors, and for the payment of my just debts and the 
undernamed bequethments.
      It is my will that the mother of my wf be allowed to live with my family 
and be maintained out of my estate during her natural life or while she 
remains with my family.
      I will to my dau Rebecca Mitchell, wife of John Mitchell, and to my sons 
Jonathan, Aaron, and Michael Baker one dollar each in addition to what they 
received at their marriage; to my son Abel Baker about 81 A known as the 
Cabarrus tract; to my son Jacob Baker the tract on which I now live at the 
death or remarriage of my wf. I will to my wf Rachel and my children George, 
Abel, Jacob, Rachel, Hannah, and Elizabeth, equal shares in all the remainder 
of my estate after paying my just debts and the above legacies. Each legatee 
is to receive their legacy as they severatty reach full age or marry, and 
should any die before that time their share is to descend equally to the 
survivors. Portions of my movable estate may be sold if my executors think it 
      I nominate as my executors my wf Rachel and my trusty friend...... 
Wit: J. Haynes and John Bigham.