Mecklenburg COUNTY, NC - LETTERS - Old Stone (Rock) House -------- Draper Manuscripts Sumpter Manuscripts VV Vol. 5/6 LDS-film # 0889215 (Part of a letter to Lyman Draper written by D. G. STINSON- dated July 27th, 1874) p. 309 Floral Hill, N.C. July 18, 1873 To Lyman C. DRAPER, Esq. Dear Sir, I have delayed answering your last longer than I intended, hoping to gain some info. On the point to you desired, that would be serviceable to you. But after my delay confirmed nothing very reliable worth communicating. Old Mrs. SWANN concerning whom you made inquiry is a member of my church and is now 90 or more years old. At that age the memory is leaky & treacherous. She speaks very positively as to the fact; CORNWALLIS never camped at or near the Stone House not nearer than the point. Dr. MORRISON stated in my last to you The Stone house is some 8-10 miles lower down the River, than the Tuckesage Ford. No tradition I can hear says he ever encamped in this neighborhood. None say he ever was at the Rock House. You ask me about his house & if really is a house or not. It is within 2 miles of my dwelling I see it very often, I have been in it. Guessing by the eye, I would say it is about 30 ft. square, two stories, wall near three feet thick from top to bottom, chimneys and all of rock with about six rooms three above & below. It was built by a Mr. John PRICE, engraved on a stone in one end, near the top of the house are the names of "Mr. JOHN PRICE & MARY PRICE" (names of husband & wife of the original owners) "Built 1770" On another stone, near by this, are several other letters cut, which I suppose, may have been the initials of the names of the builders- this is mere conjecture. It stands on the head waters of a small Creek (or branch) Steele Creek, which runs down & empties into Big Sugar creek about 10 miles below & in York District, S.C. I made enquiry of Prof. Charles PHILLIPS, who was well acquainted with the Editor of the "University magazine" & who himself was a professor for years in the University of N.C. He said he had looked over some N.C papers in his possession to see if there was anything that would aid you, but found nothing. Neither Mr. BERRYHILL nor R. J. MCDOWELL (both born & reared in this neighborhood) can go back far enough to know anything of the facts you desire, but what they have gathered from tradition. Mrs. SWANN (our oldest citizen) has nearly forgotten all she ever knew. I thank you for your favorable notice of my little Steel Creek History; I have since forwarded you 2 additional copies, which were all I had to spare. Yours very truly John DOUGLAS P.S. the stonehouse is just 11 miles due west of Charlotte, on the road leading now to Craig's Ferry, and about 1/2 mile direct line from the river. p. 312 Charlotte, N.C. June 9th, 1874 To Lyman Draper, Esq. Dear Sir, John PRICE of the Rev. who lived in the Stone or Rock House in Steel Creek settlement, Mecklenburg Co., NC. Came from Penn. Was of English decent raised a large family of children, five son's and three or four daughters, has three great grand sons now living in Steel Creek settlement. Capt. Thos. B. PRICE, JOHN J. PRICE AND ISAAC J. PRICE all gentlemen of good standing and a great number of descendants. Living in different southern states-Isaac PRICE the oldest son of John PRICE and grandfather of the above then gentlemen, was a gunsmith in the Revolution. He made guns and swords for our army, the sword's were said to be of excellent quality and could be --- ---- to force the point through the handle without injuring the blade. John PRICE died Oct. 27th 1802 aged 87 years and was buried at big Steel Creek Church about 11 miles on the west from Charlotte and 2 or 3 miles from the Stone or Rock house where he lived and died, the Rock House is till standing but not occupied. Capt. Thos. B. PRICE gave his the forgoing info. Is a gentleman of high standing and will willingly give you my other info. That he may come in possession of this Post Office in Charlotte N.C. Very respectfully S.E. BELK The Southern Home Office over Burwell, Grier & Cos. Store Corner of 4th & Tryon Streets Monday May 24, 1875 A Venerable Old Lady-We regret to learn of the death of Saturday morning, about 2 o'clock, of Mrs. Jane SWANN aged 94; a daughter of George MCKINLEY, one of the heroes of McIntyre's Branch fight while Cornwallis was in Charlotte, and an estimable old lady. She leaves a very large circle of relatives and connections in the county. End of letters Transcribed by Sloan Mason ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Sloan Mason ----------------------------------------------------------------------